Filter examples

Use the following workflows as a guide for creating different filters.

Filter one condition


You want to report only on female participants.

  1. Keep Include so that the filter statement reads "Include data from participants who match the following conditions".
  2. Keep the AND setting.
  3. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  4. Select gender as the question.
  5. Keep the operator set to Is.
  6. Select Female as an answer value.

"And" statements


You want to report on participants who visit your website frequently using smartphones.

  1. Keep Include so that the filter statement reads "Include data from participants who match the following conditions".
  2. Keep the AND setting.
  3. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  4. Select Visit Frequency as the question.
  5. Keep the operator set to Is.
  6. Select A few times a day, Once a day, and A few times a week as answer values.
  7. Beside the Visit Frequency condition, click Add to create another condition.
  8. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  9. Select Device as the question.
  10. Keep the operator set to Is.
  11. Select Phones as an answer value.

"Or" statements

Example 3

You want to report only on participants who are interested in sale notifications, or who have purchased something from your shopping site's flash sales.

  1. Keep Include so that the filter statement reads "Include data from participants who match the following conditions".
  2. Select OR.
  3. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  4. Select Flash Sale Purchase History as the question.
  5. Keep the operator set to Is.
  6. Select Yes, I have as an answer value.
  7. Add another condition.
  8. Select This Survey as the source for the new condition.
  9. Select Features as the question.
  10. Keep the operator set to Is.
  11. Select Notifications of upcoming sales as an answer value.

Rank Order and Allocation questions


You want to report on customers who care more about shopping for home decor online than the rest of your customer base. To do so, you filter on participants who rank home decor highly compared to other purchase categories, or who allocate at least 25% of their shopping budget to home decor purchases.

  1. Keep Include so that the filter statement reads "Include data from participants who match the following conditions".
  2. Select OR.
  3. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  4. Select Budget allocation as the question.
  5. Select Home and gifts as the answer.
  6. Select Greater than or equal to as the operator.
  7. Type 25 as the allocation value.
  8. Add another condition.
  9. Select This Survey as the source for the new condition.
  10. Select Rank shopping preferences as the question.
  11. Select Home decor and furniture as the answer.
  12. Keep the operator set to Is.
  13. Select Rank 1 and Rank 2 as rank values.

Date question


You want to report on customers who visited your store in September 2022.

  1. Keep Include so that the filter statement reads "Include data from participants who match the following conditions".
  2. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  3. Select Most Recent Store Visit as the question.
  4. Select Is on or after as the operator.
  5. Select 09/01/2022 as the date.
  6. Add another filter statement.
  7. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  8. Select Most Recent Store Visit as the question.
  9. Select Is on or before as the operator.
  10. Select 09/30/2022 as the date.
  11. Select AND.

Survey questions and profile variables


You want to report on full-time employees who are likely to recommend your company to others as a workplace. Likelihood to Recommend is a question in your quarterly employee satisfaction survey, while Employment Status is a profile variable.

  1. Keep Include so that the filter statement reads "Include data from participants who match the following conditions".
  2. Select AND.
  3. Select This Survey as the condition source.
  4. Select Q4 Likelihood to Recommend as the question.
  5. Keep the operator set to Is.
  6. Select 4 and 5 - Extremely likely as answer values.
  7. Add another condition.
  8. Select Profile as the source for the new condition.
  9. Select employment as the profile variable.
  10. Keep the operator set to Is.
  11. Select Employed Full Time (40 hours or more per week) as an answer value.

Exclude participants


You want to exclude participants whose income exceeds $150,000, so you can better focus on responses from participants with incomes below that.

  1. Change Include to Exclude.
  2. Leave And as is.
  3. Select Profile as the condition source.
  4. Select householdincome as the profile variable.
  5. Select $150,000 or more as the profile variable value.

When you click Count, the total reflects the number of participants who have a householdincome value below $150,000. Participants who have no value for householdincome are excluded from this count.