Create and share a showreel (Video Feedback Report)
Create a showreel of video project highlights, and share it with participants or stakeholders.
For more information, see How to build your showreel.
Create a new showreel
- Click Showreel Editor.
- Click Create showreel.
- Type a name for the showreel, and click Create.
Add items to your showreel
Move items up or down
Tip: You can also click
Reorder showreel at the top of the page,
rearrange the showreel items, and click
Add a slide
Slides let you add context, structure, and commentary to your showreel.
Copy a showreel item
Remove a showreel item
Generate the showreel
Share the showreel
Share the showreel through a link or embed code. Generally, we recommend using the share link or embed code instead of downloading and uploading the video, to avoid potential issues with large file sizes.
Download the showreel
Download a copy of the showreel as an MP4 file.
- Click Download showreel.
- Choose HD version or SD version.