Test a quota

Preview your survey logic and ensure the quotas you set are working correctly.

  1. In the Survey Builder, in the right-hand pane, click Quotas.
  2. Click the quota you want to test.
  3. Adjust Quota Count (Test).
    This option controls which test completed response to start counting the quota count from. For example, if you set Quota Count (Test) to 5, the application treats the next completed test response as the sixth one.
    This option is useful for testing your quotas and survey logic before you distribute your survey. If you have a Quota Target of 100, you can set Quota Count (Test) to 99, 100, and 101 to see what the experience is like for participants before and after the quota is met.
    1. Click the edit button.
    2. Type a number.
    3. Click the complete button.
  4. Preview your survey from the beginning.
    Select different answers to trigger different survey logic outcomes.