Choice questions in scripting

Use scripting to get and set values for Choice questions.

The functions in this topic apply to the following question types:

  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • All items in the data points (that is, all the answer options) are listed in authored order.
  • Selection does not consider mutually exclusive answer options for Multiple Choice questions. When you select a mutually exclusive option, it doesn't unselect other choices.
Function Description
question.getSelectedIndex(); Applies to Single Choice questions. Returns the zero-based index of the selected choice. Returns 0 if an item is selected. Returns -1 if no item is selected.
question.getSelectedIndexes(); Applies to Multiple Choice questions. Returns a list of selected indices. Returns an empty array if no item is selected.
question.set([index,…]); Applies to Multiple Choice questions. Zero-based, so if you select the first two choices, the array is 0 and 1. Does not clear other selections.
question.set(index); Applies to both question types. For Single Choice questions, this function sets a new selection and unsets the current selection. For Multiple Choice questions, this function sets a new selection but does not clear other selections.
question.set(index,openEnd); Applies to both question types. For Single Choice questions, this function sets a new selection and unsets the current selection. For Multiple Choice questions, this function sets a new selection but does not clear other selections. openEnd refers to other specify responses.

Returns an object that has this schema:

{selected:, openEnd: }

The default value is {selected:false, openEnd: ''}

Possible values for selected are true or false. openEnd refers to other specify responses.


Unsets the value so that there is a default no value state for the question. Clears other specify responses as well. All choices will have this schema:

{selected:false, openend: undefined}

question.unset(index); Applies to both question types. Unsets the value so that there is a default no value state for the question. Clears other specify responses as well.
question.unset([index,...]); Applies to Multiple Choice questions. Unsets the value so that there is a default no value state for the question. Clears other specify responses as well.