Determine conditional text to display

Use a Set Value action to pipe text based on a member's country.


You want to ask members in North America the following question:

What is your favorite brand of frozen pizza?
  • Freschetta
  • Newman's Own
  • Tombstone
  • DiGiorno

However, in Canada, "DiGiorno" pizza is sold as "Delissio". With a Set Value action, you can pipe the correct brand name into the answer set based on the participant's country.

  1. Create a Single Choice question named "DiGiorno".
    1. In the Answer fields, type DiGiorno and Delissio.
    2. Select Hide questions.
      Tip: Since you are hiding the question from participants, you can use the Question text field to make notes about the question.
  2. Ask participants what their favorite brand of frozen pizza is.
    1. Create a Single Choice question named "Frozen Pizza".
    2. Use the Batch Editor to type the answers, Freschetta, Newman's Own, and Tombstone, and click OK.
    3. Click Add, to create a new answer value.
    4. Place your cursor inside the text field, and click Add a Pipe.
    5. In the Pipe dialog that appears:
      1. From the Sources list, select This Survey.
      2. From the Question or Variable list, select DiGiorno.
      3. Click OK.

        Placeholder text for the piped variable appears in the answer field.

  3. Create an Action Rule to pipe the answer from the question named "DiGiorno" into the question named "Frozen Pizza".
    1. Create a Set Value action named "Pizza Name".
    2. Create an Action Rule for members who live in Canada.
      1. From the Sources list, select Profile Variables.
      2. From the Question or Variable list, select Country.
      3. Set the operator to Is.
      4. From the Select answers/values list, select Canada.
      5. In the Set value as area, from the Select a question list, select DiGiorno.
      6. From the Select Answer list, select Delissio.

  4. Click Action rule, and create a condition for members who live in the United States.

After you distribute your survey, members who live in Canada will see the answer Delissio when they respond to your question.