View recruitment link statistics

View and compare statistics for different recruitment links to determine which recruitment source is the most successful.

  1. Open the Community app and click the Recruit tab, and then click the link to the recruitment survey in Recruiting.
  2. Click the Distribute tab.
  3. In the Links tab, click the Actions menu beside a survey link.
  4. Click Analysis to open the link's statistics.

    The following tables describe the statistics for each recruitment link.

    Table 1. Survey Statistics
    Statistic Description
    Started The number of participants who started the survey.
    Completed The number of participants who completed the survey.

    The number of participants who did not complete the survey. Multiple Incompletes from the same participant are counted separately.

    Disqualified The number of participants who attempted to complete the survey, but were disqualified. Multiple disqualifications of the same participant are counted separately.
    Over Quota The number of participants who were blocked from completing the survey because the entry quota was full, or who were removed from the survey by a termination point quota condition.
    Table 2. Recruitment Statistics
    Statistic Description

    The number of times people clicked the recruitment link. Multiple clicks from the same person are counted separately.

    Signed Up

    The number of times people completed the member sign-up page and proceeded to the recruitment survey. If someone completes the member sign-up page multiple times, each completion is counted separately.

    Sent Confirmations The number of times unconfirmed members were sent confirmation emails. Multiple confirmation emails sent to the same person are counted as one confirmation.
    Confirmed The number of confirmed members who were recruited through the recruitment link.