Recipient size limits and soft launches

Use Set recipient size limit to perform a soft launch.

A soft launch is the process of distributing to a small subset of people first, before you distribute to the entire group. Soft launches are a good idea because they let you identify issues and errors and resolve them before you do a full launch. This way, you can ensure that the full launch goes as smoothly as possible, the data that's being collected is reliable.

Note: You can set Add a recipient size limit before turning on the Reserve members for this activity toggle, but not afterward. When you do this, the reserved members count matches the recipient size limit you set.

You've been testing a customer satisfaction survey yourself, but you want to see how it performs in-field and resolve any issues before you distribute it. To do this:

  1. You create a member group called Customers. The group has 126 members.
  2. You create a survey invitation.
  3. In the invitation, you select the member group as the basis of the member filter. Then you select Add a recipient size limit and enter the maximum possible number of recipients (26).
  4. Send the invitation.
  5. You monitor the participation data and see that, for some reason, one of the questions has an unexpectedly high stop point.
  6. You fix the survey question before you distribute to the wider group.
  7. You create a second survey invitation.
  8. In the second survey invitation, you select the Customers member group as the basis of the member filter again.
  9. When you send the invitation, the invitation goes out to the remaining 100 members who didn't receive the first invitation.