Schedule a distribution email

Specify when the application will send an invitation or reminder automatically.


Authors must have their user permissions set to schedule distributions.

  1. In an invitation or reminder, click the Schedule tab.
  2. Under Send Date, select Later.
  3. Click inside the Date field, and then select the date from the calendar.
  4. From the Time menu, set the time at which the email will be sent by doing either of the following:
    • Type the time according to the required format, and press Enter.
    • Click inside the Time field, and then select the time from the menu.
    The Time setting is based on your computer's time zone.
  5. When you are finished, click Review and Send.
  6. Review the details of your email, and then click Schedule Send.

Look for these indications that your email was scheduled successfully:

  • A green notification message appears and says "The communication has been scheduled to be sent" at the specified date and time.

    Tip: If you need to unschedule the email, click Cancel Communication inside the notification message. The status of the email will change from Scheduled to Not Sent.
  • On the Distribute page, the email's status appears as Scheduled and the date and time of send appears under the Schedule column in the Invitations table.