Send a test email

See what your distribution email looks like before you send it.

Note: Test emails do not contain:
  • Live links
  • Piped-in variables
  1. Open or create an email message.
  2. On the toolbar, click Test Email.
  3. In the Send a Test dialog, enter your email address.
    Tip: You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.
  4. Click Send Test.

You receive a test email at the email address you specified.

Email Type Test Email
  • Survey invitation
  • Survey reminder
  • Power survey invitation
  • Power survey reminder

When you click the review link in the email, you can complete the survey. Any data gathered through review links is recorded as test data in Monitor and Report, and does not affect your live data.

Note: Test survey reminders default to the active theme to support multiple invitations with different themes.

When you click the survey link in a test email, the survey appears in the active theme because there is no invitation to remind on.

  • Forum invitation
  • Forum reminder
  • External survey invitation
  • External survey reminder

Review links are not available.

  • Recruitment invitation
  • Recruitment reminder

When you click the review link in the email, you can test the entire recruitment process by completing the survey, receiving a confirmation email, and confirming your membership.

The pages and emails you see are all test versions of what live participants see. Any data gathered through test links is recorded as test data, and does not affect your live data.

  • Recruitment confirmation
  • Recruitment confirmation reminder
When you click the test confirmation link, you can test the membership confirmation process. Your confirmation is not recorded as test or live data.
  • All reminders

Test email versions of all reminders use the active theme as a default.

When you send reminders, you can select multiple invitations for which you'd like to send a reminder. The application can look up the recipient and which invitation they received, and set the reminder's theme to match the invitation. However, for test reminders, there is no live recipient and invitation. Therefore, the application cannot determine which theme to use for the reminder, especially if there are multiple invitations. The active theme is used for this reason.