Forum statistics
The forum statistics report lists all the forums to which community members were invited, and provides a detailed statistical breakdown for each forum.
Note: The forum statistics
report does not capture:
- Activity from admin users and moderators.
- Nonmember data.
The following table contains information about each column in the forum statistics report. If you apply a date filter to the forum statistics report, the report will only display all forums that were open during the date range you specified.
Column | Description |
Forum Name | The external-facing forum name. |
Open Date | The date on which the forum was open to members. |
Close Date | The date on which the forum was closed to members. |
Created By | The name of the user that created the forum. If the user account no longer exists, the entry is listed as "Deleted User ". |
Invited |
The number of members invited to the forum before the report's end date. This includes members who were Active at the time the invitation was sent. If the member status changes to something other than Active later, they are still included in the Invited count. |
Joined | The number of members who signed in to the forum and provided a screen name before the report's end date. |
Join Rate | The number of members who signed in to the forum and provided a screen name, expressed as a percentage of the total Invited members. |
Lurkers | The number of members who signed in to the forum and provided a screen name, but did not post, reply, or vote on someone's post between the report's start and end dates. |
Lurk Rate | The number of members who signed in to the forum and provided a screen name, but did not post, reply, or vote on someone's post, expressed as a percentage of the total Joined members. |
New Posts | The number of new posts and replies created in the last 24 hours. |
Posters | The number of members who posted or replied between the report's start and end dates. |
Post Rate | The number of members who posted or replied, expressed as a percentage of the total Joined members. |
Total Posts | The total number of posts and replies in the forum between the report's start and end dates. |
Voters | The total number of members who voted Agree or Disagree on a post in the forum between the report's start and end dates. |
Total Votes | The total number of votes in the forum between the report's start and end dates. |