Add a logo to the hub header

Use a logo to brand every page of the hub.

Logo image file requirements:
  • JPEG or PNG
  • Minimum of 540px ×100px

For information about Adobe Photoshop templates you can download and use to start customizing your hub's graphics to match your organization's branding guidelines, see Member hub branding templates.

The header logo appears when users scroll down the page and the cover image scrolls out of view.

  1. On the task toolbar, click Properties > Design.
  2. Click the Header tab.
  3. In the Header Logo area, do one of the following:
    • Click Add Image or Upload to add a new logo.
    • Click Change to replace an existing logo.
  4. Navigate to the logo image file on your computer and click Open.
    Result: The logo is aligned to the left side of the header.
  5. Optional: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Center header logo.
  6. Click Save.