Add a post to a newsletter

Share the latest hub posts with members by inserting them directly into the newsletter.

  1. On the left side of the newsletter, click the add button.
  2. Click Post.
  3. Select the posts you want to add, and click Add posts.
    The posts are added to the newsletter with any content available from each post including the headline, descriptive text, and image. You can add new content or edit the existing content of the post to include in the newsletter.
    1. To add or update the post headline, enter the new headline in the text box at the top left of the post widget.
    2. To add or update the post descriptive text, update the description in the text area below the post headline text box.
    3. To add or replace the post image, hover over the image area, and on the right side, click Add image. Browse for an image, select it, and click Open.

      The recommended size for the post image is 265 x 213 pixels, and you can use PNG, GIF, or JPG files.

    4. To edit the display of the post image, hover over the image area, and on the right side, click Edit image. Use the Image Cropper to zoom or rotate the image and select the area of the image to use and click Apply.
      Result: The image that accompanies the post in the newsletter is changed.