Moderate submissions

The hub will notify you when a member submission is ready for review. You have the option of publishing, rejecting, or deleting the post.


Set the hub to Allow Member Submissions. For more information, see Moderator settings for hubs.

Notice: Allowing member submissions may impact the terms of use and privacy policy of your community. It is the responsibility of the hub owner to ensure that their members do not post any illegal content or their members do not make any inappropriate submissions that could cause harm or give rise to a claim.

Owners and moderators can approve or reject a submission. Once posted, the submission and the identity of the community member, is visible to other community members as well.

  1. Click Content > Submissions.
  2. Optional: Publish or reject individual posts.
    1. Click More Options > Edit.
    2. Click Publish to save the post.
    3. Reject a post.
      1. Click Reject.
      2. In the Message to User field, type a message to the member explaining why the post was rejected.
      3. Click Reject.
  3. Optional: Filter posts by Sentiment:
    • All
    • Positive
    • Neutral
    • Negative
  4. Optional: Select specific posts to publish or reject.
    1. Click Select.
      Result: The icons beside each submission become check boxes. The Select button changes to All.
    2. Select the check boxes beside the posts you want to publish or reject.
    3. Click Publish All or Reject All.
    4. Click Confirm.
    5. When you are finished, click All.
      Result: The check boxes beside each submission become icons again, and the All button reverts to Select.
  5. Optional: Batch publish or reject all posts in the list.
    1. Ensure the submission list reflects what you want to publish or reject.
      You can publish or reject every submission, or filter the list by Sentiment and only publish or reject the filtered list.
    2. Click Publish All or Reject All.
    3. Click Confirm.