Team roles

Team members can modify the hub and its content depending on their access and role.

Table 1. User Roles
Role Description
Organization Owner Organization Owners are the gate keepers for all the hubs in your organization. An Organization Owner can edit your organization's settings, invite members to multiples hubs, and view the members of all the hubs in your organization.
Hub Owner Hub Owners are administrators for the hub(s) assigned to them. An owner can edit a hub's settings, invite new members to the hub, and edit or delete content created by another team member.
Moderator Moderators have limited access to the hub settings, can invite new members to the hub, and edit and delete content created by another team member.
Collaborator Collaborators have the ability to create and comment on posts, and invite other collaborators.
Member A Member is anyone who agreed to opt into your community or someone outside of your organization who was invited to join the hub. Members have read only privileges unless comments are enabled.
Table 2. User Privileges
Task Organization Owner Hub Owner Moderator Collaborator Member Notes
Follow and receive updates from a hub
Comment on or like posts
Publish or compose new posts and create new collections Members cannot see the number of post views in the hub stream.
Manage their own content and set up feeds Owners and moderators can feature a post.
View content analytics
Modify hub settings such as its name, description, or privacy
Configure design settings, integrations, and add-ons
Invite other users or change team role
  • A Moderator cannot remove another Moderator from the hub.
  • An Owner or Moderator cannot demote another Owner or Moderator's role to Collaborator or Member.
  • Moderators can:
    • Promote a Collaborator to Moderator
    • Delete a Collaborator
  • Collaborators can invite other collaborators.
Edit or delete posts created by other members of team
Create and distribute newsletters
Edit the settings in the Organization page For more information, see Organization page.
Invite, remove, and view members in the Organization page For more information, see Organization page.