Upload stimuli

Upload images and videos to share with respondents in the meeting room.


You must be an Admin, or a Power User, Author, or Video Discussions User with the Can schedule Video interviews and manage projects permission to complete this task.

Any file that you upload to Documents will be available in every meeting room for that project. To access your stimuli, click the Share icon in the meeting room and choose the desired stimulus.

The maximum file size for uploads is 1GB per file. The following formats are supported:

Images .jpg, .jpeg, .png
  • MPEG-4 (mp4, m4v)
  • Quicktime (.mov)
  • Windows Media Video (.wmv)
  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
  • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, pptx, pps,ppsx)

    Embedded audio or video in PowerPoint files is not supported.

  • OpenDocument Text Document (.odt)
  1. Open the Overview page and scroll down to the Interview Materials panel.
  2. Click the Stimuli link.
  3. Optional: To create a new folder to store your stimuli uploads click New Folder, enter the name for the folder, and click Create.
  4. Upload the stimuli.
    • To upload to a specific folder, open the folder and click the Upload stimuli link.

    • To upload to the main folder, click Upload.

    Use any of the available options to select the files to upload. You can click the plus sign to browse your files, drag and drop files to upload, or choose from the other upload options in the left hand menu.
    Note: Use the Link option to add images from a web page. To share a URL with participants (for example, a Figma link), paste the link in the public chat or share your screen during the session. Ensure the sharing settings of the linked content is accessible for participants.