Variables used for piping

Rather than adding a pipe from the Editing toolbar, you can type the variable directly in the Text Editor.

Piping variables have [% %] tags around them.

  • Replace Question_Name with the exact name of the question that you want to pipe from. For example, if you want to pipe the response from a numeric question called respondent_age, the variable is [%respondent_age.NumberValue%].
  • If you add a pipe from the Pipes on the Editing toolbar, and it is different from the ones listed below, use the variable from the Editing toolbar.
  • Before you deploy the survey, you should fully test the survey and ensure that the pipes appear correctly.
What you want to pipe Variable Examples and usage notes
Panelist name [%Name%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

Welcome to our survey, [%Name%]!

"Welcome to our survey, Jennifer Anderson!"

Panelist email address [%Email%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

Your current email address is [%Email%]

The participant sees:

"Your current email address is"

Community name [%Panel%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

Welcome to [%Panel%]!

The participant sees:

"Welcome to Alida Community!"


If your community has more than one segment, this variable displays the corresponding community name for each segment.

Community portal URL [%PortalUrl%]

Represents the main portal URL of the community.

You type:

Return to [%PortalUrl%]

The participant sees:

"Return to "

Community technical support email [%TechSupportEmail%] If your community has more than one segment, the variable will be replaced by each segment's corresponding technical support email.
Study link

For the text version of the email:

  • [%Link%]

For the HTML version of the email:

  • [%LinkHref%]
This variable is available for sample and deployment emails only.
Study open date [%OpenAt%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

The participant sees:

"The survey started on November 1, 2010."

Note: The study open date variable does not show the correct date in power surveys.
Study close date [%CloseAt%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

The study will be closed on [%CloseAt%]

The participant sees:

"The survey will be closed on November 30, 2010."

Note: The study close date variable does not show the correct date in power surveys.
Study forum link [%ForumLink%]
Study confirmation link [%ConfirmationLink%] This variable can be used in confirmation emails for profiling surveys only.
Numeric question response [%Question_Name.NumberValue%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

You said you consume [%Question_Name.NumberValue%] soft drinks a week.

The participant sees:

"You said you consume 12 soft drinks a week."

Date-time question response (long) [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.ToLongDateString()%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

You have entered in [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.ToLongDateString()%]

The participant sees:

"You have entered in August 8, 2010"

Date-time question response (short) [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.ToShortDateString()%]

In the Text Editor, you type:

Start date [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.ToShortDateString()%]

The participant sees:

"Start date 08/08/2010"

Year from date-time question response [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.Year%] These variables display the year, month, and day as numeric values.
Month from date-time question response [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.Month%]
Day [%Question_Name.DateTimeValue.Day%]
Instruction text [%Instruction_Name.InstructionHtml%]

This variable pipes in the text from an Instruction question.

In the Text Editor, you type:

Reminder: [%Instruction_Name.InstructionHtml%]

The participant sees:

"Reminder: Please select the most appropriate answer for each question. This survey should take no longer than 12 minutes."

Open End question response [%QuestionName%]

Suppose you want to know a participant's job title and salary range.

The first question is an Open End question that asks for the participant's current job title. The second question pipes the Open End response from the first question.

For the second question, in the Text Editor, you type:

What is the salary range for your current position [%Question_Name%]?

When the participant completes the survey, she types "Computer Programmer" as the response to the first question. When she proceeds to the second question, she sees:

"What is the salary range for your current position Computer Programmer?"

Single Choice question response (option text) [%Question_Name%]

Suppose you want to know a participant's salary range and satisfaction with her salary. The first question is a single choice question that presents salary range choices. The second question asks whether she is satisfied.

For the second question, in the Text Editor, you type:

How satisfied are you with your present salary [%Question_Name%]?

The participant sees the question text with her choice piped in:

"How satisfied are you with your present salary $50,000 - $99,000?"

Single Choice question response (option number) [%(int)Question_Name%]

Suppose you want to know a participant's salary range and whether she is satisfied with her salary. The first question is a single choice question that presents salary range choices; the second question asks whether she is satisfied.

For the second question, in the Text Editor, you type:

How satisfied are you with your present salary Option: [%(int)Question_Name%]?

The participant sees the question text with her choice piped in:

"How satisfied are you with your present salary Option: 3?"

Multi Choice question response [%Question_Name%]

The participant sees a list of all the options that were selected.

Grid question response (option text)

For Single and Multi Choice Grid questions:

  • [%Question_Name_ROW#%]

For Allocation Grid questions:

  • [%Question_Name_ROW#.NumberValue%]

Replace ROW# with the grid row number that you want to pipe from.

For Multi Choice Grid questions, the variable is replaced by a list of all the choices selected for that row.

For Grid questions, numbering starts at 0 for the first row.

Grid question response (option number) [%(int)Question_Name_ROW#%]

Replace ROW# with the grid row number that you want to pipe from.

For grid questions, numbering starts at 0 for the first row.

Response from Other "(please specify)" option

For single choice questions:

  • [%Question_Name%]

For multi choice questions:

  • [%GetOtherSpecify("Question_Name",OPTION#)%]

Replace OPTION# with the number of the option in which the "Other (please specify)" field appears.

Numbering for options starts at 1 for the first row.