Access Community Member IDs in a power survey

Get a member's Community Member ID in a power survey. This script will only work with live responses; test responses will not return Member IDs.

  1. In Power Survey Authoring, click the Questionnaire tab.
  2. On the Authoring Navigation Bar, hover over Action, and then select Script.
  3. Type a name for the action, and then click OK.
  4. Copy and paste the following script into the text box:
    Guid mId = GetMemberGuidId();
    Set(MID, mId.ToString());  //MID can be a hidden open end question in your power survey.
    Name Description ReturnType
    GetMemberGuidId() Returns the Member ID Guid
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the Authoring Navigation Bar, hover over Question, and then select Open End.
  7. Name the new question MID and check if the question is placed after the script.
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the top right, next to the Edit tab, select the Hidden check box.
  10. Click Save.