Participation Study

The Participation Study is a system survey that automatically collects and stores data about the participants and their participation in the community.

Use the questions to:
  • Learn more about your participants.
  • Increase data accuracy.
  • Further engage your participants.

You want to know the last time a participant was invited to a survey. To find this information, you check the data from the LastInvitationDate question in the Participation Study. This question stores the last date each participant received a survey invitation.

Participation Study questions look and behave like regular questions you ask in a survey; they can be added to question groups, reports, exports, and filters. These questions are only available in surveys.

The counts for some Participation Study questions increment or decrement when the response status changes. The counts are affected by the Include in Participation setting in the Details tab at the time the survey was deployed:

Setting Description

The counts increment by one each time the response status changes.

If you change the setting after the survey is deployed, the counts increase accordingly.


The counts are not updated.

If you change the setting after the survey is deployed, the counts decrease accordingly.

The counts are also affected if the participant's participation in a survey is reset (for example, by taking the same survey again).

Note: Resetting a respondent’s participation is usually done through advanced scripting.

The application collects participation data in the following questions:


Records the rate of surveys participants complete or attempt to complete relative to the total number of surveys to which they are invited. OverallParticipation is calculated by the following formula:
  • [(StudiesCompleted + StudiesDisqualified + StudiesOverQuota) / StudiesInvitedTo] * 100

A participant has a response status of Complete, Disqualified, or Over Quota in 10 of the 15 surveys he receives invitations to. Therefore, his OverallParticipation rate is 66.67%.


Records the count of the surveys that the participant completes.
  • The count increments if the response status changes from Incomplete to Complete.
  • The count decrements if the participant's participation in a survey is reset.


Records the count of the surveys that the participant attempts to complete or completes. This information includes surveys in which a participant has a response status of Complete, Incomplete, Disqualified, or Over Quota.

Note: A participant can have a date for LastParticipationDate and a count of 0 for StudiesParticipatedIn, which is based on the response status.
  • The count increments if the response status changes from Invited to Incomplete (when the participant clicks the survey link).
  • The count increments if the response status is Incomplete.
  • The count decrements if the participant's participation for a survey is reset.


Records a count of the surveys to which the participant has been invited.


Records a count of the surveys to which the participant has dropped out. In other words, the response status is not Complete, Disqualified, or Over Quota.

  • The count increments if the response status changes from Invited to Incomplete.
  • The count decrements if the participant's status changes from Incomplete to Complete, Disqualified, or Over Quota.


Records a count of the surveys in which the participant has been disqualified.
  • The count increments if the response status changes from Incomplete to Disqualified.
  • The count decrements if the participant's participation for a survey is reset.


Records a count of the surveys to which the participant has a response status of Over Quota.
  • The count increments if the response status changes from Incomplete to Over Quota.
  • The count decrements if the participant's participation for a survey is reset.


LastDeviceType records the last device the participant used to complete the survey. Options include:
  • Tablet
  • Desktop
  • Phone

If your Respondent Access setting blocks certain devices, "LastDeviceType" will vary. The following table summarizes how Respondent Access settings affect LastDeviceType data:

Respondent Access setting LastDeviceType data
Phone Tablet Desktop
Web survey for everyone Included as "Phone" Included as "Tablet" Included as "Desktop"
Computer and mobile Included as "Phone" Included as "Tablet" Included as "Desktop"
Computer only Not available Included as "Tablet" Included as "Desktop"
Mobile only Included as "Phone" Not available Not available

For more information, see Set access for computer and mobile respondents.


Records the date that the participant last received an invitation to a survey in Community.


Records the date when the participant last had a response status of Incomplete, Disqualified, Over Quota, or Complete for a survey. This information is updated when the participant's status changes.

  • When the participant clicks the survey link and the response status changes from Invited to Incomplete, LastParticipationDate is updated to the current date.
  • If the participant's status changes from Incomplete to Complete, Disqualified, or Over Quota, LastParticipationDate is updated to the current date.
Note: When the participant's participation is reset, LastParticipationDate is not updated.


Records the date when the participant was last reserved for a sample.


Records one of the following statuses for each member:
  • Active: Participants who confirmed to be a member via the confirmation email.
  • Anonymous: Participants who have not confirmed to be a member or who have taken a survey via an anonymous link.
  • RequestedRemoval: Participants who click the unsubscribe link in a community email.
  • Purged: Participants who have been marked as purged by you or member support and no longer receive any communications from Community.
  • Undeliverable: Participants who bounce back three community emails in a row. Each email invitation or communication the recipient bounces back are counted as one failed delivery attempt.

    For example, you schedule an email invitation and three reminders for the same survey. If the email invitation, plus the first and second reminders bounce back, then Community does not send the third reminder, and the recipient’s status is marked as Undeliverable.

  • ATR: Participants created by Community for testing purposes.


Records unique numeric information that identifies the participant. Community generates and assigns this information, and then uses it in open sample links and raw data export files.


Records the participant's language, such as English, French, or Spanish.


Records the segment name to which the participant belongs.


You have both a blind and a branded community. Some members are part of the blind segment, while others are part of the branded segment. In this case, each segment accesses a different portal page or environment.


Records nonsequential information used to identify the participant in Community. Community generates and assigns this information to the participant; this ID is more secure than the PanelistIDQuestion.


Records identification information that you assign to the participant. PanelistAlternateID cannot be more than 50 characters long.


For your community, you assign a membership number to each participant.


Records the participant's full name, which is taken from the profiling survey.


Records the participant's Community username.


Records the participant's password for the member portal.


Records the participant's email address, which is taken from the profiling survey.


Records the participant's telephone number, which is taken from the profiling survey.


Initially records the date and time that the member record is created. When the member confirms membership in your community, the PanelistJoinDate changes to the date and time of their confirmation.


Records whether the participant is a Member or Anonymous.
  • Anonymous: A person who either has not completed the profiling survey or who has only participated in ad hoc surveys.
  • Panelist: A person who has joined the community and completed the profiling survey.


Records the participant's operating system and browser. This information is updated each time the member visits a survey.


Records the last date on which the member's status changed. Anonymous members have no value for this question until their status changes to something else.


At 6 month intervals, you review your community health. Among other data, you compare how many Active members requested removal in the current period as compared to the last period.

To find this number, you take the number of members with a community status of RequestedRemoval and a LastPanelistStatusChangeDate that falls within the last 6 months.