Flat equivalents of HTML questions

Learn more about the design and behavior of flat equivalents of HTML visual questions.

Flat equivalents of HTML questions

Single or Multi Choice Button and Numeric Slider question types are the only HTML questions that have flat equivalents. Consider using flat equivalents of HTML questions if you:

  • Want participants to see a "flat" question.
  • Have many answer options that would occupy too much screen space if they were displayed visually.

The following table shows an example of each flat equivalent question compared to the HTML question.

Flat equivalent questions HTML questions
Single or Multi Choice questions Single or Multi Choice Button questions: Text
Single or Multi Choice questions: Images Single or Multi Choice Button questions: Images
Single or Multi Choice questions: Text and images Single or Multi Choice Button questions: Text and images
Numeric question Numeric Slider question
Numeric question: Semantic differential question Numeric Slider: Semantic differential question