View and filter posts using the word cloud (Forums)
Filter and sort content using the word cloud so that you view only posts and replies that contain certain words.
To perform this task, you must be an admin user.
Note: The language setting for email
notifications also affects the word cloud, which does not support these
- Chinese (Taiwan)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Hong Kong)
- Japanese
If you choose any of these languages, the word cloud will be disabled.
Note: This task cannot be
performed in mobile view.
The word cloud and
page refresh as you make your changes.
Tip: To clear selections, and
restore your original forum view which includes the word cloud and the tag
cloud, do any of the following:
- On the right side of the forum toolbar, click Show All.
- In the top left corner of the page, click the forum link.
- Use the back button on your web browser.