View and filter posts using the word cloud (Forums)

Filter and sort content using the word cloud so that you view only posts and replies that contain certain words.


To perform this task, you must be an admin user.

Note: The language setting for email notifications also affects the word cloud, which does not support these languages:
  • Chinese (Taiwan)
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Hong Kong)
  • Japanese

If you choose any of these languages, the word cloud will be disabled.

Note: This task cannot be performed in mobile view.
  1. Sign in to the forum.
    On the forum page, the word cloud appears below the forum title and description and above the posts and replies. The size of a word is proportional to the number of posts in which it occurs: the more posts in which a word occurs, the larger the word appears in the word cloud.
  2. Click Words.
    The cloud view changes from the tag cloud to the word cloud.
  3. Optional: Hover over a word to view the number of posts in which it appears, and the number of participants who mentioned it.
  4. Optional: Click one or more words in the word cloud to only display posts and replies that contain the selected words.
    Selected words are highlighted blue.
  5. Optional: Click a highlighted word in the word cloud to deselect it.
  6. Optional: Exclude words from the word cloud.
    1. In the bottom left corner of the word cloud, click Options, and select Exclude words.
    2. Type a word, and then click Exclude.
      Result: The word no longer appears in the word cloud.
    3. To remove an excluded word and display all words again, click the Delete button next to the word.
    4. Optional: Click Options, and select Hide options to restore the original cloud view.
  7. Optional: Select the number of words to display in the word cloud.
    By default, the word cloud displays 25 words.
    1. In the bottom left corner of the word cloud, click Options, and select Select number of words.
    2. Select the number of words:
      • 10
      • 25
      • 50
      • 100
    3. Optional: Click Options, and select Hide options to restore the original cloud view.
  8. Optional: Choose how to arrange the words in the word cloud.
    By default, words are arranged by rank.
    1. In the bottom left corner of the word cloud, from the Options menu, select Arrange words by.
    2. Select an arrangement option:
      • Rank: Arranges words in order of descending frequency from left to right, top to bottom.
      • Alphabetical: Arranges words in alphabetical order.
    3. Optional: Click Options, and select Hide options to restore the original cloud view.
  9. Optional: Choose whether to display statistics as counts, percentages, or both.
    By default, counts are displayed when you hover over a word in the word cloud.
    1. In the bottom left corner of the word cloud, from the Options menu, select Show counts or percent.
    2. Select one of these options:
      • Counts
      • Percentage
      • Counts and percentage
    3. Optional: Click Options, and select Hide options to restore the original cloud view.
  10. Optional: Export the filtered forum as a CSV file.
The word cloud and page refresh as you make your changes.
Tip: To clear selections, and restore your original forum view which includes the word cloud and the tag cloud, do any of the following:
  • On the right side of the forum toolbar, click Show All.
  • In the top left corner of the page, click the forum link.
  • Use the back button on your web browser.