Export a forum as a CSV file

You can export a forum as a CSV file from multiple places.

Note: This task cannot be performed in mobile view.
Tip: You can change the CSV delimiter from a comma to a semicolon, pipe, or tab, on the My Account page. For more information, see Edit your personal user settings.
  • Export a forum from the Monitor page.
    1. On the Monitor toolbar, click Export > Forum posts and replies.
      Result: Depending on your browser settings, the CSV file is either automatically saves to your computer or requires permission to save.
  • Export a forum from the forum itself.
    1. Open the forum that you want to export.
    2. Click Export CSV.

    3. Follow your computer's prompts to download the file.
  • Export a filtered forum.
    Export a subset of a forum's posts and replies.
    1. Open the forum that you want to export.
    2. Display a subset of the forum's posts and replies by doing any of the following:
      Note: You cannot combine tag cloud and word cloud selections. However, tag and word cloud selections can each be combined with forum toolbar and filter selections.
      Result: The page updates and displays posts and replies that match your selections.
    3. On the right, under the forum toolbar, click Export results CSV.
    4. Follow your computer's prompts to download the file.

The following table describes the information included in all forum CSV exports.

Information Description
Forum name The internal forum name only visible to users with access to the application.
Export date and time The date and time on which the export was created.
Forum title The participant-facing forum name.
Forum description The participant-facing description from the forum.
Total Participant Posts/Replies The total number of participant posts and replies in the forum, excluding moderator activity.
Filter selections The forum toolbar, tag cloud, or word cloud selections you made to filter forum posts and replies.
Export Order

A value that represents the order of the posts in the forum.

Tip: You can sort on different columns in the CSV file. To return to the original order, sort on the Export Order column.
Note: This column is excluded from filtered forum exports.
MemberID The unique member ID associated with the participant.
Member Status The participant's status in the forum (Active or Suspended).
Screen Name The participant's forum screen name.
Community The name of the Community associated with the participant.
Note: If you have multiple communities, the column will show the name of the Community associated with the participant at the time they participated in the forum.
Thread Name The post title.
Post ID The unique ID for the post or reply.
Note: This column is excluded from filtered forum exports.
Reply to (Post ID)

These values identify which post the replies are associated with.

Tip: To view a post and its replies, sort on the Reply to (Post ID) column.
Note: This column is excluded from filtered forum exports.
Post Content The post description.
All Tags Tags applied to the post or reply, listed in alphabetical order.
Agrees The number of agrees that the post received from participants. This column appears in the CSV export if voting options were enabled.
Disagrees The number of disagrees that the post received from participants. This column appears in the CSV export if voting options were enabled.
Starred Yes or No indicate whether you starred the post.
Post Date The date and time on which the post was created.