Export forum participation information

Export forum participation information as a CSV file for further analysis outside of the application.

Note: This task cannot be performed in mobile view.
  1. Open the Surveys app, and then open the forum you are interested in on the Activities page.
  2. Click the Monitor tab.
  3. On the Monitor toolbar, click Export > Participation data.
    Result: Depending on your browser settings, the CSV file is either automatically saves to your computer or requires permission to save.

The following table describes the information included in all Forum Participation Report exports.

Information Description
Forum name The internal forum name only visible to users with access to the application.
Export date and time The date and time on which the export was created.
Forum title The participant-facing forum name.
Forum description The participant-facing description from the forum.
Total Participant Posts/Replies The total number of posts and replies in the forum, excluding moderator activity.
MemberID The unique member ID associated with the participant.
Screen Name The participant's forum screen name.
Date Joined The date on which the participant joined a forum for the first time.
Last Activity The date on which the participant joined the forum, last posted, or last voted.
Posts The total number of times the participant posted or replied in the forum.
Votes The total number of times the participant agreed or disagreed with a post.