- In CSV and Excel
files, the exported date value format depends on the source.
- SPSS file exports
do not export dates prior to October 14, 1582.
- Profile variables are exported in ISO 8601 format. For
2019-01-14T22:42:55.7833787Z or
- Surveys or power surveys values are represented in UTC
format. For example,
1/14/2019 8:57:42 PM or
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss AM/PM.
- Surveys:
- Single Choice
- Single Choice
- Single Choice
Grid Cards
- Single Choice
Drop Down
- Multiple
- Multiple
Choice Grid
- Power survey:
- Single Choice
or Multi Choice Buttons
- Single or
Multi Choice Grid
- Single Choice
or Multi Choice Visual Grid
- Single or
Multi Choice Magnetic Board
- Regional Map
- Images used as
answer labels show up as empty in reporting.
- If more than 1,000
options are used, the application may become unresponsive and reports can not
visualize the data.
- If answer options exceed
500 characters in length, survey responding and reporting can take longer to
load and render charts.
- If answer options are
more than 32,767 characters in length, Excel automatically truncates the data
in its viewer. The data can still be viewed with a plain text viewer.
- Reports automatically truncate allocation labels in surveys
to 255 characters.
- Reports can not
export heat map images if the dimensions exceed 2880 x 2880 pixels.
Rank Order
- Survey: Rank Order
- Power survey: Rank
Order Grid, Rank Order Sort
- Answer labels for
rank items automatically truncate to 255 characters.
- Images can not
display as answer labels.
- Reporting
automatically adds a Did not rank answer for items that were
not ranked.
- Survey: Single
Choice Slider, Single Choice Grid Slider
- Power survey:
Scale Slider
- Images used as
scalar labels show up as empty in reporting.
- If more than 1,000
options are used, the application may become unresponsive and reports can not
visualize the data.
- If answer options exceed
500 characters in length, survey responding and reporting can take longer to
load and render charts.
- If answer options are
more than 32,767 characters in length, Excel automatically truncates the data
in its viewer. The data can still be viewed with a plain text viewer.
Image Upload
- If an image upload
question collects over 500 images, it may not extract all the data when
exporting. Apply filters to export specific images that are relevant.