Import batch translations

Import the batch translation file to translate your survey.

Note: Multilingual survey authoring in Community is only available to customers who have multiple communities with different locales. If you are interested in multiple communities, please contact your Account Representative.
  1. In the Translations workspace, click Import Translations.
  2. In the Import Translations dialog, click Choose File.
  3. Browse for your batch translation file, select it, and click Upload.
    Result: A message informs you of your import status and the number of rows successfully processed for each locale.
    • Files that do not match the batch translations file format and structure cannot be uploaded. For more information, see Batch translation file requirements.
    • You cannot delete or overwrite existing translations by importing a file with blank cells. You must delete or edit each translation manually.
  4. Optional: To preview the translated survey in desktop or mobile view, in the survey toolbar, click Preview and select the locale from the drop-down list.
    Result: A preview of the survey content from your selected locale appears.