End Survey action

Mark an endpoint in your survey, decide where participants are taken when they leave, and determine their statuses in your reports.

You can add an End Survey action anywhere in your survey, and when a participant reaches one, you can set the endpoint to:

  • Complete
  • Disqualified
  • Over Quota

You can control which participants trigger your endpoint using the Survey Logic action.

Note: You cannot add an End Survey action to a page.
Tip: To optimize accessibility, include an End Survey action with a message that notifies participants they have completed the survey. This gives participants on screen readers a clear verbal cue that they have reached the end.

Reason to end survey

When a participant reaches an End Survey action and leaves your survey, their Reason to end survey is recorded in your reports. You decide which reason to apply to participants, and you can choose from:

  • Complete: This is the default status when you place an End Survey action at the end of your survey.
  • Disqualified: This is the default status when you auto-redirect or redirect them to a URL. Use this status when you are removing participant groups based on their previous answers, or a variable.
  • Over Quota: This is the default status when participants are prevented from completing a survey because a quota is full. Use this status in conjunction with entry quotas.
Tip: The default message that participants receive corresponds with their Reason to end survey. However, when you add your endpoint you can edit this message to reflect your specific needs.

Display message

Adding an End Survey action and setting it to Display message will end your survey, and display a message to your participants.

The default message that participants receive reflects their Reason to end survey. However, you can edit this message in the Message field to suit your specific needs.

Display message example

You have authored all your questions, and now need a way to end your survey and thank your participants.

To do this, you would add an End Survey action after your questions. Set the Reason to end survey to Complete, select Display message, and in the Message field:

  • Thank participants for taking your survey.
  • Provide participants with any information about how their response data will be used.

Display message and redirect

If you set an End Survey action to Display message and redirect, the survey will end, display a message, and then redirect the participant to a URL of your choice.

The default message that participants receive reflects their Reason to end survey. However, when you add your End Survey action, you can edit this message to suit your specific needs.

Display message and redirect example

You are conducting a survey for a mobile phone provider, and you are interested in measuring customer satisfaction with a recently released model. You include the following question:

What do you like most about our new phone?
  • Price
  • Screen size
  • Features
  • What new phone?

Using an End Survey action, you can redirect any participants who answer "What new phone?" to the product webpage when they record their response. To do so, you would:

  1. Place a Survey Logic action after the question.
  2. Set your condition in the Survey Logic to target participants who answered "What new phone?"
  3. Add an End Survey action to the Survey Logic.
  4. Set your End Survey action to Display message and redirect.
  5. Enter the webpage URL.
  6. Include a message for participants that thanks them for taking your survey.

Participants who answer "What new phone?" will leave your survey, receive your message, and land on the product webpage. Participants who select any other answer will continue on in your survey.

Automatically redirect

If you set an End Survey action to Automatically redirect, the survey will end and automatically redirect the participant to a URL of your choice. Use this option when you want to redirect participants to:

  • Another survey
  • A company webpage

Auto-redirect does not display a message to your participants before sending them to the URL you specify.

Automatically redirect to another survey example

You are researching customer service for a retail chain, and you would like to conduct a detailed follow-up survey about the participants' experience at a specific location. You include the following question:

Which location do you shop at most frequently?
  • Market Street
  • Chestnut Street
  • Van Ness Avenue

Using an End Survey action, you can automatically redirect any participants who answer "Market Street" to another survey about the Market Street location when they record their response. To do so, you would:

  1. Place a Survey Logic action after the question.
  2. Set your condition in the Survey Logic to target participants who answered "Market Street".
  3. Add an End Survey action to the Survey Logic.
  4. Set your End Survey action to Automatically redirect.
  5. Enter the survey link.

Participants who answer "Market Street" will leave your survey, and land on the Market Street survey page. Participants who select any other answer will continue on in your survey.

Survey Logic conditions

By default, all participants trigger End Survey actions when they reach them in your survey. However, you can narrow who triggers your End Survey action and target exact participant groups with Survey Logic conditions. In your survey, when you add a Survey Logic action, you can use participants' previous answers or variable values to control whether they trigger your End Survey action.

End Survey point condition example

You are interested in collecting data on vehicle owners who use public transit. You create a survey that contains the following question named Vehicle owners:

Do you own a vehicle?
  • Yes
  • No

Place a Survey Logic action after this question and use it to create a condition to remove participants who do not own vehicles. To do so, you would set your survey logic condition to target participants who answered your question "No".

After you create your condition, drag an End Survey action onto the Survey Logic action.

Participants who answer "No" will leave your survey and receive your Reason to end survey message, while participants who answer "Yes" will continue on in your survey.