Summarize data in Open End questions

Use a Number question to create a Single Choice data point.

You want to identify participants with an active lifestyle so you can redirect them to a follow-up survey about sports drinks.

  1. Create the following Number question and name it "Exercise":
  2. Create the following Single Choice question, and name it "Activity Level":
    What is your level of activity?
    • Sedentary
    • Moderate
    • High
  3. Place a Set Value action between the question named "Exercise" and the question named "Activity Level".
  4. Create a condition for participants with a sedentary lifestyle.
    1. From the Sources list, select This Survey.
    2. From the Question or Variable list, select Exercise.
    3. Set the operator to Less than.
    4. In the Answer field, type 1.
  5. Set the answer value to Sedentary in the question named "Activity Level".
    1. In the Set value as area, from the Select a question list, select Activity Level.
    2. From the Select Answer list, select Sedentary.
  6. Click Action rule, and create a rule for participants with a moderate activity level.
    1. From the Sources list, select This Survey.
    2. From the Question or Variable list, select Exercise.
    3. Set the operator to Greater than or equal to.
    4. In the Answer field, type 1.
    5. Click Add.
    6. From the Sources list, select This Survey.
    7. From the Question or Variable list, select Exercise.
    8. Set the operator to Less than.
    9. In the Answer field, type 3.
    10. From the Select Answer list, select Moderate.
  7. Click Action rule, and create a rule for participants with a high level of activity.
    1. From the Sources list, select This Survey.
    2. From the Question or Variable list, select Exercise.
    3. Set the operator to Greater than.
    4. In the Answer field, type 3.
    5. From the Select Answer list, select High.

To test your Set Value action, click Preview in the Build toolbar.

The Set Value action will select an answer in the question named "Activity Level" based on the number you entered in the question named "Exercise". You can use this answer to create a Survey Logic condition and redirect participants to your follow-up survey.