Edit the unsubscribe page

Customize the message that appears when members are unsubscribing from the Community.

Note: Author users cannot access Community, portal, and theming setup functionality.
  1. Open the Community app and click Community > Member Experience at the top of the page.
  2. Click Community Setup.
  3. Select the Community for which you want to edit the unsubscribe page.

    This step applies only if you have multiple communities.

  4. Click Unsubscribe.

    The Unsubscribe tab gives you a rough idea of what members see on the unsubscribe page: a title, a message, and an optional question that members can answer about why they are leaving the community. Each of the selectable reasons for leaving corresponds to a value for the system variable unsubscribereason.

    Of all the elements on the unsubscribe page, you can only edit the message. If you don't edit the message, this is the default text that appears:

    If you would like to remove [%Email%], please click the "Remove Me" button below. By clicking this button, you will no longer receive communications from us.
  5. Edit the message.
    Tip: Keep the email variable ([%Email%]) to display the exact email address being removed.
  6. Click Save.

The unsubscribe page displays the same footer links found at the bottom of every page in portals, forums and surveys. You can edit your survey footer links in the Footer tab. For more information, see Edit the portal, forum, and survey footer links.