Filter community metrics

You can use profile variables to filter the charts in community metrics.

Note: When you apply a filter based on a profile variable, the metrics will show data from the date the profile variable began collecting data. For example, you apply a filter using a profile variable that began collecting data on December 1st, therefore the community size metrics will not show any data prior to December.
  1. On the community toolbar, click Filter.
  2. Define the Data from members who match the following conditions.
    • Select Include to show data from members who meet your conditions.
    • Select Exclude to hide data from members who do not meet your conditions.
  3. Create the condition.
    1. From the Source list, select Profile Variables.
      Note: The only option in the list is Profile Variables.
    2. From the Question or Variable list, select one of the following:
      • Join Date to filter the metrics based on the date a member became Active in your community.
        Note: The join date is the last date a member became Active in your community, regardless of whether they previously unsubscribed or were purged.
      • A profile variable to filter the metrics based on a piece of information about the member.
    3. Select the operator.
    4. Select the response value to include in the condition.
  4. Optional: Add another condition.
    1. Click Add beside an existing condition.
    2. Click AND to define the relationship between the conditions, and which conditions participants must meet.
      • If you want participants to meet all conditions, select AND.
      • If you want participants to meet any condition, select OR.

      Tip: A member can only belong to one community at a time. If you have multiple communities, use the OR operator to filter members based on their community.
    3. Create the condition.
  5. To delete a condition, click Delete beside it.
  6. Optional: Click Count to see how many participants will be included in the report after you apply your filter.
    Count is useful for spotting possible errors in filter logic. For example, if you expect approximately 200-300 participants to be included after you apply a filter, but Count shows 0 participants will be included, you may want to check your filter again.
  7. Click Apply.
    Result: The metrics are updated and displays data from participants who meet the filter's conditions. Under the toolbar, a filter statement appears that informs you which filter conditions have been applied to the metrics.
  8. Optional: Click Remove Filter to remove the filter from your report.
Example: Exclude new members from community profile metrics

You want to view the portion of your community that has not participated in activities for the last six months so you can purge inactive members. However, you want to exclude data from members who joined your community within the last month.

To do this, first you would click Edit Participation Requirements and define your participation criteria in the participation rate calculator.

Then you create a filter to exclude data from members who joined your community within the last month. In the following example, the preceding month is October 2015.

  1. In the Community Profile toolbar, click Filter.
  2. Set your condition to Exclude data from members who match your filter condition.
  3. Set the start date:
    1. From the Source list, select Profile Variables.
    2. From the Question or Variable list, select Join Date.
    3. From the Operator list, select Is on or after.
    4. In the calendar, set the start date to October 1, 2015.
    5. Click Add next to the condition.
    6. Select AND to show data from participants that meet all of your conditions.
  4. Set the close date:
    1. From the Source list, select Profile Variables.
    2. From the Question or Variable list, select Join Date.
    3. From the Operator list, select Is on or before.
    4. In the calendar, set the end date to October 31, 2015.
    5. Click Count to see the number of new members.
    6. Click Apply to apply the filter conditions to your community metrics.

The metrics are updated and displays data from participants who meet your participation criteria as well as your filter conditions. Under the toolbar, a filter statement appears that informs you which filter conditions have been applied to the metrics.