Export member participation data

Create a raw data file that contains every member's participation history for a selected time frame. For example, you may want to export member participation data so you can calculate utilization rates for members outside of the application.

When you create the export, you select the start and end dates. The CSV file includes activity data for all members who participated in activities between the selected dates. Member participation data records are included in the export based on the event date, which is not included as a column in the export CSV file. The report includes entries for users with all types of participation events (started, completed, etc.) occurring within the specified date range.

  1. Open the Community app and click Metrics at the top of the page.
  2. On the Metrics page, click Export Member Participation Data.
  3. Select activity data in a certain date range.
    1. In the From field, click the area to the right of the Calendar button, and select a start date.
    2. In the To field, click the area to the right of the Calendar button, and select an end date.
  4. Optional: Select Include NonMembers.
    If you select this option, the CSV export will include participation data for nonmembers.
  5. Click Export.
  6. Follow your web browser's prompts to download and open the exported CSV file.

    Each row in the export represents a participation event for a member. For Power Users who do not have Can access sensitive data enabled, sensitive data values are redacted in the CSV and replaced with SENSITIVE.


    The following columns appear in each exported CSV file:

    Column Description
    MemberId The member's unique ID.
    Email The member's email address.
    CommunityName The name of the community that the member belonged to, at the time the participation event occurred.
    FirstName The member's first name.
    LastName The member's last name.
    MemberStatus The member's status.
    JoinDate The date on which the member joined the community.
    ActivityName The activity name.
    ActivityType The activity type (survey or forum).
    ActivityStatus The activity's status (Open or Closed).
    OpenDate The date on which the activity's status changed to Open.
    ClosedDate The date on which the activity's status changed to Closed.
    InvitedDate The date on which the member was invited to the activity.
    LastParticipationDate The date on which the member last participated in the activity.
    LastStatusChangeDate The date on which the member's status last changed.
    Reserved 1 indicates the member was reserved through an activity invitation.
    SurveyInvited 1 indicates the member was invited to the survey.
    SurveyStarted 1 indicates the member started the survey.
    SurveyIncomplete 1 indicates the member did not complete the survey.
    SurveyDisqualified 1 indicates the member was disqualified from the survey.
    SurveyCompleted 1 indicates the member completed the survey.
    SurveyOverQuota 1 indicates the member had a status of Over Quota for the survey.
    ForumInvited 1 indicates the member was invited to the forum.
    ForumJoined 1 indicates the member joined the forum.
    ForumLurked 1 indicates the member did not vote or post in the forum.
    ForumPosted A count of how many times the member posted in the forum.
    ForumVoted A count of how many times the member voted in the forum.
    • The CSV file uses the browser locale to determine the format of open and close dates. If your browser locale does not match your computer locale, these dates will be rendered as text instead of dates.
    • The export excludes data collected through survey links.