Purge non-participating members

Purging non-participating members may be necessary for maintaining overall community health. For example, you may have members who are invited to participate in activities but never do.

Follow the workflow described in this topic to identify and purge non-participating members:

  1. Use the Community Profile report to identify utilized non-participants.
  2. Export the information for the utilized non-participants.
  3. Use the information to create a new CSV file. In the new file, add a profile variable to use as a flag later when you distribute a Last Chance survey.
  4. Build a Last Chance survey.
  5. Distribute the Last Chance survey.
  6. Create a member group to identify the members who have not completed the Last Chance survey, and members who want to be removed from the community.
  7. Purge the members in the member group.

Use the Community Profile report to identify unresponsive members

  1. Open the Community app and click Metrics at the top of the page.
  2. Click Community Profile.
  3. Check the participation rate calculator settings and apply them.
    1. Click Edit Participation Requirements.

      The participation rate calculator settings are used to determine Utilized Non-Participants (members who are invited but do not participate). Generally you can use the default settings, but if you want to exercise caution, change Number of months to 12.

      For more information, see Community metrics.

    2. Review the settings and change them if necessary, and then click Apply.
  4. In the Community Profile report, under Non-Participants, select Utilized.

Export Utilized Non-Participants

  1. Click the Overall Metrics chart to open the Export Members dialog.
  2. Click Export.

Create a new CSV file and add a flag

  1. Copy the member information and paste it into a new CSV file.
  2. Delete all columns except E-mail.
  3. Rename the E-mail column to Email.
  4. Add a new column header.
    This will be the profile variable you use as a flag. Use a descriptive name like sept2018purge_survey so you can find it easily later.
  5. Under the new column header, in each member row, type 1.
  6. Save the CSV file.

Import the flag

  1. Open the Community app and click Community > Profile Variables at the top of the page.
  2. Click Import.
    Result: You are notified when the import completes successfully and the profile variable is added.

Build a Last Chance survey

  1. Open the Surveys app and click New Project.
  2. Under Survey, click Create.
  3. Name the survey, select the primary locale, and click Create.
  4. Add a Single Choice question that asks participants whether they want to remain in the community.
  5. Add a Survey Logic action to display a question to participants who answered "Yes."
  6. Inside the Survey Logic action you created in step 5, add a Single Choice question asking why the participants who answered "Yes" haven't been participating lately.
  7. Add a Survey Logic action to display a question to participants who answered "No."
  8. Inside the Survey Logic action you created in step 7, add a Single Choice question asking why the participants who answered "No" are leaving.

Distribute the Last Chance survey

The Last Chance survey is a final effort to reach out to non-participating members and invite them to participate in the community. If the members do not respond to this survey, you can consider them eligible for purging.

  1. On the Distribute page, create a new invitation.
  2. In the Select Recipients list, click Create a new filter.
  3. Add a filter condition for the flag you imported.

    For example, Profile Variable sept2018purge_survey Is 1

Note: If you have multiple communities, you may need to create an invitation for each community to capture all the utilized non-participants who were flagged.

  1. Send the invitations and wait for responses.

Create a member group to identify non-participating members and purge them

  1. Open the Community app and click Community > Member Groups at the top of the page.
  2. Click New Member Group.
  3. In the Group name field, enter a name for the member group.
  4. Add a filter condition to find members who did not complete the "last chance" survey.

    For example, Activity Participation Status Sept 2018 Purge Survey Is Invited, but not Started.

  5. Add a filter condition to find members who answered "No, please remove me from the community."
  6. Set the condition operator to OR.
  7. Click Save.
  8. On the Member Groups page, click the member group name.
    Result: The Members - groupName page appears and lists all members.
  9. Select all members in the group using the check box beside Name, and click Purge.
  10. In the Purge Members dialog, click Purge to confirm.