Import a power survey

Create a power survey based on the data from an PXML import file.

Export and import surveys, so you can move a survey into another community or retrieve a survey export that is stored locally on your computer. For more information about exporting surveys, see Export a power survey.

  1. Open the Surveys app and click New Project.
  2. Under Power Survey, click Import.
  3. In the Name field, type a name for the imported power survey.
  4. Click Choose File to browse for your PXML file, select it, and click Open.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Click Create.
  7. In the Access Settings dialog, specify which users can access the power survey and click Apply Access Settings.

    The access settings you can apply depend on the user role you have been assigned.

    Access Setting User Roles Description
    Everyone Power User, Author All other users in the application instance can access the activity.
    Private Power User, Author Only the user that created the activity, and Admin users, can access it.
    Admin Only Admin Only Admin users can access the activity.
    Teams Admin, Power User, Author All users that belong to the assigned team(s) can access the activity. If you belong to multiple teams, you can assign the activity to all of the teams you belong to, or just one or more specific teams.
    • The access settings options are displayed if your account has the Can change access settings permission applied.
    • If your account does not have this permission, the activity will be assigned to the teams you belong to, or if you don't belong to any teams it will be available to everyone.
    • Admins have access to all activities, regardless of access settings.

Once you have created your survey, you can begin editing your questions. See Create questions.