Lock a power survey

A power survey is locked when the authoring tabs are open. This prevents multiple users from editing or publishing a survey at the same time.

To lock a power survey, open one of the following tabs:

  • Details
  • Questionnaire
  • Quotas
  • Languages (when the translation portal is open)
  • Sampling/Deployments

To unlock the survey, close your browser window.

Tip: Click away from these tabs before you publish the survey to prevent the Survey Locked dialog from appearing.

When a power survey is locked, another user can access the following tabs:

  • Preview
  • Reports
  • Imports
  • Exports
  • Assets

Known issue

  • If you open multiple power surveys or multiple instances of the same power survey, you may be redirected to the Home page instead of another tab in a power survey. This issue will continue until you log out of Community.
    • To prevent this issue from occurring, ensure you only have one power survey opened at a time.