Create and edit a discussion guide
Add questions to cover in the video discussion and organize questions into sections. For each section set an optional amount of time to spend on the questions.
You must be an Admin, or a Power User, Author, or Video Discussions User with the Can schedule Video interviews and manage projects permission to complete this task.
Note: Only Editors and Project owners can create and edit discussion
guides. Collaborators are limited to viewing discussion guides.
Discussion guides can
be edited at any time, and once changes are saved, they are immediately
available in any live conversations.
Create multiple discussion guides within the same project
Each project can have multiple discussion guides, which is perfect for multi-language studies or studies with multiple respondent profiles needing different questions.
Reuse an existing discussion guide
Import a discussion guide that was created for a different project.
Download the discussion guide questions
Export a copy of the questions from a discussion guide.