Send notifications for cancelled and rescheduled meetings

If a participant cannot attend a meeting and cancels or reschedules the meeting, you can continue to communicate with them by sending distribution emails.

  • You must be an Admin, or a Power User, Author, or Video Discussions User with the Can schedule distributions permission to send distributions.

  • Cancel a video discussion
Note: This workflow applies to instant video discussions. For scheduled video discussions, you must send an interview communication. For more information, see Invite participants to a scheduled video discussion.
  1. Open the Surveys app.
  2. Open the video discussion activity.
  3. Click the Distribute tab.
  4. Click New > Invitation Reminder.
  5. In the Create New Reminder dialog box:
    1. In the Name field, enter an internal name for the invitation.
    2. From the Assign to a Community or Communities list, select one or more Community.
      This step applies to customers with multiple communities. If you select multiple communities, a reminder will be created for each of the selected communities.
    3. Click Create.
  6. Compose the email to send to the participant(s).

    Edit the message to inform the participant that the video discussion has been cancelled or rescheduled. If a new session has been schedule, include the new link in the email.

    If you created reminders for multiple communities, you can switch between reminders by selecting the reminder to compose from the Communication drop-down list. This allows you to compose the emails for multiple communities without leaving the Message tab.

  7. Select the recipients for the reminder:
    1. Click the Recipients tab.
    2. In the Invitations section, select the original invite set to the recipient.
    3. Under Participation Status, select all of the checkboxes (Invited, but not started, Incomplete, and Completed) to ensure that all of the recipient(s) are included.
  8. Click Review and Send and then Send Now to send the reminder immediately, or schedule the distribution at a later time in the Schedule tab.