Activity rewards statistics

The activity rewards statistics report lists all of the reward requests made by Community to Virtual Incentives rewards or BHN Rewards points, and provides detailed information about each transaction.

To view the report, you must export the data as a CSV file. The CSV file contains the following columns:

Column Description
Member Id The unique member ID of the reward or point recipient.
Email The email address of the reward or point recipient.
Community The community that the reward or point recipient belongs to.
First Name The first name of the reward or point recipient.
Last Name The last name of the reward or point recipient.
Member Status The reward or point recipient's current member status.
Activity Name The activity that the reward or point recipient completed.
Communication Name The name of the email or hub invitation.
Activity Type The type of activity that the reward or point recipient completed.
Reward Date The date on which the recipient became eligible for the reward or points.
Reward Amount The amount or number of points rewarded to the recipient for completing the activity.
Reward Status

Statuses for Virtual Incentives:

  • Pending: The reward request was received by Virtual Incentives; however, there are insufficient account funds to fulfill the order. Once funds are received the request will automatically move to Completed.
  • Processing: The reward request was received by Virtual Incentives; however, there is additional processing that needs to be performed prior to order completion. This status is mainly seen on orders for physical cards.
  • Completed: The reward request was successfully received and processed by Virtual Incentives.
  • Canceled: No funds were withdrawn from the account, and in which the reward request is no longer necessary.
  • Failed: The reward request from Community was not received by Virtual Incentives.

Statuses for BHN Rewards:

  • Completed: The point request was successfully received and processed by BHN Rewards.
  • Failed: The reward request from Community was not received by BHN Rewards.
Last Update Date The date on which reward details were last refreshed.
Reward Link The Virtual Incentives link sent to the recipient with reward details. Blank for BHN Rewards entries.