Pipes and question types
Pipe question text and response values from one question to another question in your survey.
Choice, Numeric, Date, and Open End questions
For these question types, you can pipe either the question text or the responses to that question.
- Question text
If you select Question Text from the pipes list, the text of the question you are piping is displayed.
- Responses
If you select Response Value (Numeric, Open End, Date) or Selected Answers (Single Choice, Multi Choice), the response or responses to the question you are piping are displayed.
Example |
You want to pipe the value that the participant entered for a Numeric question into another question. To do this, you select the Numeric question on the pipe list, and then select Response Value. In the Question Editor, the pipe looks like this: A participant answers "7" to the Numeric question, so that answer appears in the survey. |
to pipe responses from an Open End
Single Choice Buttons: Piping images in selected answers |
You cannot pipe Selected Answers from Single or Multi Choice Buttons when the answer options are set to Image Only Answer. For example, you want to pipe the member's selection from the following answer set into a subsequent question. When the member sees the question, only the file name for the selected image appears. To pipe an image only answer, we recommend using Single or Multi Choice questions. For more information, see Flat equivalents of HTML questions. |
Single Choice and Multi Choice Grids
Each row in a Grid is treated like a separate question in the pipe.
Example |
A question called sc_grid contains five rows, so the pipes list show five questions called sc_grid_0, sc_grid_1, sc_grid_2, and so on. |
For Single and Multi Choice Grids, you can pipe either the question text or the responses to that question.
Question text
If you choose Question Text from the pipes list, the text of the question you are piping is displayed.
If you choose Selected Answers, the response or responses to the question you are piping are displayed.
Example |
You add pipes to a question, so it looks like this in the Question Editor: Because of the selected answers, the participant sees this: |
Magnetic Boards
Because a Magnetic Board is a type of Grid question, each row is treated like a separate question in the pipe.
Example |
A question called sc_magnetboard contains five boards, so the pipes list shows five questions. |
For both Single and Multi Choice Magnetic Boards, you can pipe the question text or selected answers.
- If you choose
Selected Answers, the response or responses to
the question you are piping are displayed.
The selected answer is represented by the board image labels.
- If you choose
Question Text from the pipes list, the text of
the question you are piping is displayed.
Question text is represented by the magnet text.
If the magnet is image-only, the question text is represented by the image file name.
Example |
The question contains the following boards: It also contains the following magnets: You pipe in the following information: Because of the selections, the participant sees this: |
Example |
The question contains the following boards: It also contains the following image-only magnets: You pipe in the following information: Because of the selections, the participant sees this: |
Card Sort
Because a Card Sort is a type of Grid question, each row is treated like a separate question in the pipe. For example, if the question contains five cards, the pipes list shows five questions.
When you pipe information from a Card Sort, you can pipe the question text or selected answers.
- If you choose
Question Text from the pipes list, the text of
the question you are piping is displayed.
The question text is represented by the categories.
- If you choose
Selected Answers, the response or responses to
the question you are piping are displayed.
The selected answer is represented by the cards.
Example |
The Card Sort contains the following cards:
The question also contains the following categories:
You pipe in the following information: Depending on the selections, the participant sees this: |
Allocation Grid and Allocation Slider
Piping information from an Allocation Grid or Slider is the same as piping information from a series of Numeric questions. Each row in the Allocation Grid and each slider in an Allocation Slider is treated as a separate question.
For more information, see the Choice, Numeric, Date, and Open End questions section at the top of this page.
Rank Order Grid and Rank Order Sort
Piping information from a Rank Order Grid or Sort is the same as piping information from a Single Choice Grid.
Because Rank Order Sort questions use images, the image label is piped into other questions.
For more information, see Single Choice and Multi Choice Grids.