Create a Sentiment visualization

Display sentiment data from responses as charts or tables.

  1. Click the Visualizations tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click New Visualization > Sentiment.
    Tip: You can click New Visualizations above or below an existing visualization.

  3. Optional: Edit the visualization's title.
    By default the application uses the question text.

  4. Change the chart type.
    1. In the View section, select a chart type:
      Button Chart type Description
      Bar Chart Displays sentiments as horizontal, left-aligned bars.
      Column Chart Displays sentiments as vertical, left-aligned bars.
      Pie Chart Displays sentiments as a pie chart.
      Donut Chart Displays sentiments as a donut chart.
      Table Displays sentiments as a table.
  5. Click Settings to change the report settings.
    Table 1. Bar Chart, Column Chart, Pie Chart, and Donut Chart.
    Note: Sentiment visualizations display four sentiment colors (Positive, Neutral, Negative, and Mixed).
    Settings Options

    Chart Labels:

    • Show Counts: Count the number of times the sentiment appears in the records.
    • Show Percentages: Display the sentiment frequency as a percentage.
    • Show Both: Display the sentiment frequency as both a number and percentage.

    Percentage Base:

    • Use Total Records: Display the percentage based on the total number of records.
    • Use Sentiment Records: Display the percentage based on the number of sentiment records.
    • If you do not have sentiments applied, the application defaults to the Bar Color.
    • If you select Show Sentiments, you can select the Sentiment Colors.
    • If you select Hide Sentiments, you can only select the Bar Color for charts.
    • Bar Color: Select a color with the color picker or enter in a hex code (for example, #05a2a8).
    • Sentiment Colors: Select a color for each sentiment with the color picker or a hex code. You can edit the following five sentiment colors:

    Table 2. Table
    Settings Options

    Chart Labels:

    • Show Counts: Display the number of times the sentiment appears in the records.
    • Show Percentages: Display the sentiment frequency as a percentage.
    • Show Both: Display the sentiment frequency as both a number and percentage.

    Percentage Base:

    • Use Total Records: Display the percentage based on the total number of records.
    • Use Sentiment Records: Display the percentage based on the number of sentiment records.