Run sentiment analysis on Open End question data

Generate text analysis results that allow you to identify the most important topics in the responses to a question, and the associated positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.


Open the modern report.

Sentiment analysis can be used with the following question types:

  • Short Answer
  • Long Answer
  • Net Promoter Score℠1 (Follow-up Responses)
  1. In the top right corner of an open end question tile, click the options menu and select Tile Settings.
  2. Click the Sentiment Analysis tab.
  3. Turn on the Show Sentiment Analysis toggle.
    Result: The sentiment analysis settings appear.
  4. Optional: From the Analysis Language drop-down list, select the language to use for the sentiment analysis.
    Tip: Leave the default Same as Source Language option selected if all of the survey responses are in a single language, or to allow the application to select the language to use for the analysis based on the Respondent Locale set for each response.
  5. Click Apply.
The current status of the text analysis processing is displayed in the tile. When the Analysis Completed value is 100%, you can view the results of the text analysis in the tile. The results are displayed in a crosstab with the topics identified in the responses, showing the counts and percentages for all sentiments. You can choose to display the results for only Positive, Negative, or Neutral responses. You can also drill-down into any of the crosstab tiles to view the text of the associated responses for the selected topic and banner(s).
1 Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.