Example: Random distribution for concept tests (1 of n concepts)

Use nested groups to show one of a number of concepts.

Tip: Random distribution is one of several methods for achieving even distribution in surveys. For more information, see Quick comparison: Random distribution, Least Filled concept testing, even distribution scripts.
Example: 1 of 3 concepts

You want to show participants 1 of 3 new concepts for beauty products. After the survey has collected data, you will want to see which concept participants saw, and use the "concept assigned" information to subgroup your data.

To do this, you will need to create a hidden Single Choice question that will capture which concept appeared to participants. Then you will create a group for the concepts and randomize which concept is presented. Afterward, you will add questions asking participants how willing they are to purchase the beauty product concept, and to rate specific aspects of the product.

Record the concept the participant will see

Start the survey with a hidden Single Choice question to capture which concept the participant sees and the order they appeared in the survey.

  1. Add a Single Choice question to the survey Table of Contents, and name it Concept Assigned.
  2. Click Add Answers in Batch, and type the following answer values:
    • Concept A
    • Concept B
    • Concept C

    If you have more concepts, add more answer values (Concept D, Concept E, and so on). The number of answer values should equal the number of concepts you have.

  3. Under Additional Options, select Hide question.

Create a path for each concept

Now you are going to use a group to show each concept to participants at random. Within this group you will create three nested groups that contain Text & Image element that shows an image of the concept.

After you distribute your survey, the application will select a path at random and show the participant the concept contained in the group. When the participant has seen one concept, the application skips the remaining concept and moves to the next question in the survey.

  1. Add a Group to the survey Table of Contents and name it Random.
  2. Add three nested groups and name them:
    • Concept A
    • Concept B
    • Concept C

    If you have more concepts, add more nested groups (Concept D, Concept E, and so on). The number of nested groups should equal the number of concepts you have.

  3. Open the group named "Random":
    • From the Display objects in list, select Random order.
    • From the Number of objects to display list, select 1.
      • The Number of objects to display is disabled until you make a selection from the Display objects in list.
      • You are selecting 1 for the purposes of this example. However, depending on how many concepts you want to show, any setting can work as long as it's not All.

Set the value in the hidden question

Next you will use a Set Value action to set the value for the hidden Single Choice question Concept Assigned.

  1. Add a Set Value action to the group "Concept A" and name it Set Value Concept A.
  2. Open the Set Value action named "Set Value Concept A", and use the Has no value operator to set the value for the question named "Concept Assigned" to Concept A.

    After you distribute your survey, the application will set the value to the question named "Concept Assigned" to the first concept the participant sees.

  3. Add a Text & Image element to the Concept A group and name it Concept A.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for concepts B and C.
  5. If you have more concepts, create paths for the subsequent concepts.
    Tip: To save time, you can duplicate the first path, and edit the group names and Set Value actions accordingly.
  6. Create the questions you want to ask about the concepts.

    How you add the questions depends on your reporting preferences:

    • Want to report on responses for all concepts side by side in a single question? Add the questions after the randomized group. You can use the hidden Concept Assigned question to subgroup responses later.

      Survey structure:

      Results for all concepts displayed in a single question:

    • Want to report on responses for each concept separately? Add different versions of the questions into each concept's nested group. The results will appear in individual charts for each concept.

      Survey structure:

      Results for Concept A displayed in standalone questions:

  7. Check your overall survey structure one more time.

    The survey structure should look similar to the images above.

    • There should be one top-level group that contains all the subgroups.
      • In this top-level group, Random order is set. (If you expect a sample size of less than 50 responses, choose Rotated order.)
      • The Number of objects to display is set to something other than All.
    • There should be one subgroup for each concept. Each subgroup contains a concept on its own page.