Add one or more member groups to an invitation

Using a single invitation, you can invite up to 50 member groups to participate in an activity by selecting existing member filters.

  1. In the Surveys app, open the activity.
  2. Click the Distribute tab.
  3. Open an invitation.
  4. Click the Recipients tab.
  5. From the Add Recipients list, select an existing member filter.

    Existing member filters appear in the bottom half of the list.

  6. In the Confirm Filters dialog, review the member filter conditions, edit them if necessary, and click Save.
    Any edits you make apply to the member filter for this invitation only. They do not alter the original member group on which the member filter is based.

When you save the first selected member group, the options for uploading or manually inviting recipients are no longer available. Going forward, you can only select more existing member filters or create a new member filter.

  1. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add more member filters.
    Note: If you use more than one member filter, the option to Automatically invite new eligible recipients is no longer available.
  2. For each member filter, you can:
    • Turn on Add a recipient size limit.

      This option limits sent invitations to a subset of the member filter's eligible recipients. If you turn on this option, type a number. For more information, see Recipient size limits and soft launches.

    • Turn on Reserve members for this activity.

      When you turn on this toggle, the members who are eligible for the activity in that moment are marked as Reserved. Depending on your community engagement rules and member filter conditions, Reserved members may or may not receive invitations for conflicting activities. For more information, see Sample management.

    • Click Edit to refine the member filter.
    • Click Delete to remove the member filter from the invitation.
    • Refresh the Total Eligible Recipients count by clicking the blue refresh icon.

As you add and remove member filters, be aware that the Total Eligible Recipients count across all member filters may be inflated. This is because a member can belong to multiple member groups. When this happens, the number of sent invitations will be less than the sum total of Total Eligible Recipients counts. A member who belongs to multiple member groups will still only receive one invitation.


You create an invitation and add 3 member filters:

Member Filter Total Eligible Recipients

All Active Vancouver Acme Supermarket Shoppers

Vancouver Acme Supermarket Shoppers with Low Household Income

Vancouver Acme Supermarket Shoppers with High Household Income




If you add the Total Eligible Recipients counts across all the member groups before you send the invitation, it seems like 150 invitations will be sent. However, the Acme Supermarket Shoppers with low and high household incomes also happen to be part of the All Active Acme Supermarket Shoppers group. Therefore, only 100 invitations are sent.

Once the invitations are sent, the status for All Active Vancouver Acme Supermarket Shoppers will show as Sent. The statuses for the other member groups will show as Failed because no eligible recipients were found.

When you send an invitation to multiple member groups, on the Distribute tab, the invitation lists each group separately in the Recipients column. Invited, Opened, and Clicked statistics are broken down by member group. The message deliverability and participation statistics in Analysis are also broken down by member group. Having the statistical breakdown by member groups is useful for figuring out which demographics or segments are under-responding, and sending reminders to these member groups to boost response rates.

If you use one reminder to target several member groups or member groups across invitations, the same reminder will be listed multiple times in the Invitations list. Each listing is nested under the applicable member group, and the statistics therein apply to that member group only.


In the example screenshot below, one invitation was sent to 4 member groups and one reminder was sent to 2 member groups.

Each member group targeted by the original invitation is listed separately in the Recipients column. The reminder appears twice, nested under the applicable member groups. Message deliverability and participation statistics for the invitation and reminder are broken down by member group