View member groups

You can view a list of all existing member groups.

Admins and Power Users who have Can access sensitive data enabled can drill down to view member details. Power Users who do not have Can access sensitive data enabled can only view the list of member group names. For more information, see Sensitive data permission tables.

Note: This task cannot be performed by Author or Analyst users.
  1. Open the Community app and click Community > Member Groups at the top of the page.
    Result: The Member Groups page displays a list of all existing member groups. For each member group, the following pieces of information are displayed:
    • Member group name
    • The date on which the member group was last modified
  2. Optional: Click Name, Last modified, or Member Count, to sort the columns in ascending or descending order.
  3. Optional: To view the list of members in the group, click the member group name.
    Result: The Members - groupName page appears and lists all members.
  4. Click Refresh to update the member count.
  5. Optional: Click Edit to update the member group.
  6. Optional: To delete the member group, click Delete.