Numeric Slider question properties

Set the appearance and behavior of Numeric Slider questions.

Note: These question properties are not supported for mobile surveys. Any changes you make to these question properties are not rendered for mobile participants.

Show Answer Value

This property allows you to display the Answer Value to the participant.

By default, the Answer Value is displayed.

For semantic differential questions, you may want to hide the Answer Value.

Snap to values

If Snap to values is selected, when the participants moves the slider along the scale, the slider will automatically move to the integer value closest to it. By default, this property is selected.

Scale Values

By default, scale values are displayed at the endpoints of the scale only.

You can choose to:

  • Not display the scale values. This is the recommended option for semantic differential questions, as participants will use the labels, as opposed to the Scale Values, to determine their response.

  • Display the values at the endpoints and the midpoint.

  • Auto-display the values at equal intervals. Community will calculate the values.

Randomize Scale Direction

You can use this property to randomize the scale direction. If selected, each time the Numeric Slider question is presented the scale direction randomly changes.

Position in Block

Under Position in block, select Fixed to maintain the question's current sequential position, or select Use block settings if the question is part of a block that randomizes or rotates questions.

Including a label and/or images on slider

The Numeric Slider scale can be blank or can include labels, images, or both labels and images. The images below show the different possible variations.


When you do not have any labels or images on your Numeric Slider, participants will be guided by the Scale Values, which are set to display by default. For more information, see Question properties.


This example contains labels. Depending on the labels that you use, it is probably not necessary to display the Scale Values. For more information, see Question properties.


This example contains images. In this example, the images reinforce the numbers displayed in the Scale Values, which are displayed by default. For more information, see Question properties.

Labels and images

This example includes both a label and an image. The Scale Values (see Unique Properties) are not displayed, since the same information has been included in the label.