Determine a participant's respondent variables

Discover insights about your participants when they complete a survey. You can view this data in reporting by adding Respondent Variables such as Display Type, User Agent or Respondent Locale to your report.

  1. On the report toolbar, click Data > Add Questions.
  2. Select Respondent Variables as the source, and click Next.
  3. Select one or more of the following respondent variables to add in your report:
    • Display Type
    • User Agent
    • Respondent Locale
  4. Click Apply.
    Result: The respondent variable is added to the report.
  5. Depending on the respondent variable you selected, view your participant information by:
    Option Description
    Display Type
    1. Select the check box beside Display Type.
    2. Click Apply.

      Display Type is added to the report.

    3. Scroll to the bottom to view the breakdown of which participants completed the survey on Desktop or Mobile.

    Respondent Locale
    1. Select the check box beside Respondent Locale.
    2. Click Apply.

      Respondent Locale is added to the report.

    3. Scroll to the bottom to view the breakdown of which participants completed the survey in the participant's Community locale.

    User Agent
    1. Select the check box beside User Agent.
    2. Click Apply.

      User Agent is added to the report.

    3. Click Export > CSV (Response Data) on the toolbar.
    4. Select one of the following options:
      • Answer Labels: Contains the actual answer text used in the survey.

      • Numeric Values: Contains coded numeric values assigned by the application.
    5. In the All Active Exports dialog, click Download and then follow your browser's prompts to download and open the file.