Export a report to CSV

Export your report data as a CSV file to see how each participant answered the survey, question by question. This export type is useful if you want to review raw response-level data, filtered response data or if you want to do analysis on your own outside of the application.

Tip: Responses to Open End questions are available in CSV and SPSS formats; however, they are easier to read in an Excel export. See Export a report to Excel.
  • All users can perform this task for survey reports.
  • To export data from recruitment survey reports, you must be either:
    • An Admin
    • A Power User with the Can access recruitment surveys permission.

    The Export menu is only available if you have the required permissions.

  • For Power Users, Authors, and Analysts who do not have Can access sensitive data enabled, sensitive data is redacted and replaced with Sensitive.
  • Users that do not have Can access sensitive data enabled cannot export test data from pending surveys. The export fails with an error.
  1. Open the standard survey report.
  2. Click the report you want to export.
  3. On the report toolbar, click Export > CSV (Response Data), and then select an option.
    The option you select affects the appearance of Single Choice questions in the CSV export.
    Option Description
    Answer Labels

    The CSV file contains the actual answer text that was displayed to participants.

    Numeric Values

    The CSV file contains coded numeric values assigned by the application. These numeric values correspond to the authored order of the answer options, and they indicate which answer option the participant selected.

    1 indicates the first answer option, 2 indicates the second answer option, and so on.

    Note: For profile variables, the numeric values do not matter. They merely reflect the order in which variable values appear in Community > Profile Variables, and may change if variable values are added, removed, or re-ordered.

    The option you select does not affect the appearance of other question types in the CSV export. Other question types appear the same regardless of the option selected.

    Option Answer Labels and Numeric Values
    Multiple Choice

    For Multiple Choice questions, the number of columns in the CSV file depends on the number of answer options.

    For example, a Multiple Choice question with three answer options will have three columns. The application assigns values with either:
    • 0 indicates someone did not select the option.
    • 1 indicates someone did select the option.
    Net Promoter Score℠ 1

    The data for Net Promoter Score℠ questions is displayed in three separate columns:

    • The first column shows the numeric value participants picked when answering the scalar part of the question.
    • The second column indicates whether the participant is a Detractor (a score of 0-6), Passive (7-8), or a Promoter (9-10).
    • The third column shows the participant's response to the follow-up question.

    Each MaxDiff question's data appears in a separate CSV file. In the MaxDiff CSV file, the responses from one participant account for multiple data rows:

    • You can filter on MemberID to view responses by participant.
    • Each row represents a set in the MaxDiff question.
    • Each attribute has its own column.
    • For each attribute, within a set, there are 4 possible values:
      • The Most preferred label specified during survey authoring: The attribute was chosen as most preferred. If there is no custom label, the default value Most is used.
      • The Least preferred label specified during survey authoring: The attribute was chosen as least preferred. If there is no custom label, the default value Least is used.
      • Did not choose: The attribute appeared as part of the set, but was not chosen as least or most preferred.
      • Did not see: The attribute did not appear in the set.

    Allocation questions in the CSV file display allocated values for each answer option. Allocated values add up to a total of 100.

    Rank Order

    The CSV file contains a rank for each answer option. Values range from 1 to the specified number of answer options.


    The All Active Exports dialog opens and shows your export's progress. You can stay on the page, or navigate away and return to the report to download the completed export later.

  4. To see if exports are ready to download, check for a green dot next to Export on the report toolbar.
    • A blue dot indicates the export is in progress.
    • A red dot indicates the export has failed.
  5. When the download is complete, in the All Active Exports dialog, click Download and then follow your browser's prompts to download and open the file.
  • Exported files respect the filter criteria applied to the report, but they do not include any changes you made when relabeling, setting date ranges, and editing scale values.
  • Community survey and power survey date exports are represented in UTC format.
  • If the exported file name is over 256 characters, either rename the folder or file to something shorter or move the file to a folder with a shorter file path.
  • If the data was weighted, the weight values are included in a separate column.
  • By default, the questions and variables that you use to define subgroups or filter conditions will not appear as a column in the file. To include these questions or variables in the file, you must add them to the report. For more information, see Add questions or profile variables to a report.
  • The application puts quotation marks ("") around numeric range values if they are formatted in any of the following ways, to prevent the values from being interpreted as date and time values in spreadsheet applications:
    • #-#
    • #/#
    • #-#-#
    • #/#/#
    • #:#

    For example, if you have an Age question where the age range values are formatted as 18-24, 25-34, and so on, the application will export these values with quotation marks around them ("18-24", "25-34").

  • The export displays a value of Purged for system variables and survey responses that are flagged as sensitive data. For more information, see Sensitive data.
1 Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered U.S. trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., NICE Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.