How questions are displayed
in modern reports
Learn about how your data is displayed in the report.
Questions that contain categorical answers are displayed as crosstabs in modern reports. For example, in Single Choice and Multiple Choice questions where the participant must choose from a preset list of values. The crosstab, similar to a pivot table in spreadsheet applications, displays the total number of responses to the question, and the count and percentage of participants that selected each option. This initial view provides you with a useful summary of the question responses, but crosstabs become a powerful tool for analyzing your response data when combined with banners.

Banners enable you to use other questions from your survey, or profile variables, to segment the responses to discover meaningful insights. For example, you might segment a Rating question by location and discover that overall your service is rated highly, but that one location is underperforming and needs attention.
Crosstabs are the default visualization for the following question types:
- Single Choice
- Multiple Choice
- Single Choice Grid
- Multiple Choice Grid
- Number
- Rating
- Rank Order (Available for early access program (EAP) participants)
- Allocation (Available for EAP participants)
Number questions
Number questions display calculations that summarize the responses. You can customize the calculations that are displayed in the crosstab by selecting any of the following calculations:
- Average (Mean)
- Median
- Min
- Max
- Mode
- Standard Deviation
- Sum
- Variance
Average is displayed by default. You can deselect it, but the crosstab must include at least one calculation.
For more information on configuring Number tiles, see Configure Number question crosstab calculations.
Allocation questions
Allocation questions display a separate crosstab for each answer, with the selected calculation(s) that summarize the responses for each answer. You can customize the calculations that are displayed in the crosstabs by selecting any of the following calculations:
- Average Allocation
- Median Allocation
- Min Allocation
- Max Allocation
Average Allocation and Median Allocation are displayed by default.

For more information on configuring Allocation tiles, see Configure Allocation question crosstab calculations.
Rank Order questions
Rank Order questions display the count and percentage of participants that selected each rank. A separate crosstab is displayed for each answer.
For example, in the following screenshot 10 participants ranked battery life as the most important (Ranked 1st) feature and 8 participants ranked it as the least important (Ranked 5th) feature.

You can choose to exclude the Didn't assign a rank row from the crosstabs in the tile settings. For more information, see Configure individual tiles in modern reports.
Original Responses
Tiles for Open End questions display the individual text responses collected by the survey, allowing you to read through each of the responses to the question.
You can browse through multiple pages of responses, if applicable, by clicking the page numbers at the bottom right of the Original Response table. You can also adjust the number of entries displayed on each page by selecting 10 (Default), 25, or 50 items from the Show ... per page drop-down list.

Listing response text is the default visualization for the following question types:
- Short Answer
- Long Answer
- Zip / Postal Code
- Phone Number
Single Choice and Multiple Choice questions that include one or more Other/Specify answers for the question include a separate tab for each Other/Specify answer. Each tab includes a table that includes the text for each response collected by the survey, allowing you to read through each of the responses.

Net Promoter Score℠
The Net Promoter Score tab contains the default visualization for Net Promoter Score℠ questions.
Net Promoter Score℠1 questions display the Net Promoter Score (NPS®), which is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The NPS® can range from -100 (everyone is a Detractor) to 100 (everyone is a Promoter). An NPS® close to 0 means the number of Detractors and Promoters is roughly equal.

Follow-up Responses
Tiles for Net Promoter Score questions display the individual text of follow-up responses collected by the survey, allowing you to read through each of the responses and view the associated NPS value for the response.

This visualization is specific to Net Promoter Score questions.
Significance testing
When significance testing is applied to a question, the tile displays a custom crosstab that highlights any significant results, and a Significant Differences panel with a text description of the significant results.
For more information on interpreting significance testing results, see Examining significance test results.
When weighting is applied to a question, the tile displays a custom crosstab that lists three rows with results that are specific to weighting.
The following three metrics are displayed:
- Weighted base: The total number of responses after weighting is applied.
- Effective base: The adjusted sample size after applying weights.
- Unweighted base: The total number of responses before weighting is applied.
The totals for each answer and the results for each banner column are displayed.
For more information on these metrics, see Interpreting weighting scheme results in modern reports.
Sentiment Analysis
When the Sentiment Analysis tab is enabled for a question, it displays a standard crosstab with the topics identified in the responses and the number of mentions and the percentage of mentions for each topic, along with the total number of mentions. If banners are included, a column is added to the crosstab for each answer, or profile variable value, with the counts and percentages for the column.

Filter mentions by sentiment
Initially, all sentiment values are included in the results. You can use the drop-down list at the top of the tile to narrow down the results to include only Negative, Neutral, or Positive mentions.

For more information on sentiment analysis in modern reporting, see Sentiment analysis in modern reports.
The following Survey question types are supported:
- Short Answer
- Long Answer
- Net Promoter Score℠ (for follow-up question answers)
- Single Choice (for other/specify answers)
- Multiple Choice (for other/specify answers)
- Zip / Postal Code
- Phone Number
Profile variables assigned the Text type are supported.
Drill-down for individual analysis results and response text

- Sentiment of mentions: Lists the count of mentions displayed and the sentiment(s) being displayed (All, Negative, Neutral, Positive) based on the sentiment filter applied to the Sentiment Analysis crosstab.
- Mentioned topic: Lists the topic you are drilling down into, or All if you selected the link in the All Mentions column heading.
- Banners: Lists the banner you are drilling down into by selecting any of the rows in a banner column, or All if you select any row in the All Mentions column.
- Overall sentiment: The overall result of the sentiment analysis for the response: Negative, Positive, or Neutral.
- Response: The original text of the response, or the translation of the response text if Translate Responses is selected.
- Mentions: The list of one or more topic mentions associated with the response, and an icon with the sentiment identified for each mention.
TURF Analysis
The TURF Analysis tab enables you to perform a specialized analysis to determine the optimal combination of products, services, or offerings that will appeal to the largest audience possible. For example, if you ask a question to determine which yogurt flavors respondents enjoy the most, the TURF analysis will enable you to identify the optimal combination of yogurt flavors to offer to satisfy the largest number of potential customers. The analysis results are displayed both in a crosstab and in a graph.
Click the screenshot below to view a larger version.

The TURF Analysis visualization is specific to Multiple Choice questions.
For information about TURF and how to perform a TURF analysis, see TURF analysis.