
A pipe is variable text about your participants that you can insert into survey questions, answers, and messages.

Pipe the following values into question and answer text, an introduction to your survey, or an end survey message:

  • Answers from a previous question
  • Profile variables
  • Respondent variables
  • You cannot pipe values between questions that appear in the same group or page.
  • Always preview your survey to see what it looks like before you send it to participants.

Piping examples

Pipe a profile variable

Profile variables are pieces of information associated with a member. Profile variables can come from answers to a recruitment survey, system data, or an imported CSV file. For more information, see Profile variables.

You can pipe profile variables to create personalized messages within your survey.


You can pipe profile variables into your survey's introduction statement to add a personal touch and address your participants directly.

When participants view the introduction statement, the following piped result appears.

The piped profile variables, are replaced with the participant's first and last name that is stored in the application.

Pipe answers from a previous question

You can pipe answers from a previous question into the question or answer text of a follow-up question.

For instructions, see Pipe answers into question or answer text.

You ask participants:
Which video game console did you most recently purchase?
  • Playstation 4
  • Wii U
  • XBox One

In a follow-up question, you ask participants about their experience with the video game console. It might be useful to pipe a participant's answer to the previous question into the answer text of the follow-up question.

When participants view the follow-up question, the following piped result appears.

In this case the participant answered "Playstation 4" in the previous question.

Pipe answer from a Date question

When you pipe an answer from a Date question into a follow-up question, participants see the date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.


You ask participants when they purchased their most recent video game console. In a follow-up question, you ask participants if they had previously owned any video game consoles.

When participants view the follow-up question, the following piped result appears.

In this case, the participant selected October 5th, 2016 in the previous question.

Pipe answers from a Multiple Choice question

When you pipe an answer from a Multiple Choice question into a follow-up question, participants see a list of the options that they selected.

You ask participants:
Which of these video games have you played?
  • Overwatch
  • Pokemon Moon
  • Rocket League
  • Uncharted IV

In a follow-up question, you want to learn more about the games that participants have played. It might be useful to pipe a participant's answer to the previous question into the question text of the follow-up question.

When participants view the follow-up question, the following piped result appears.

In this case, the participant selected "Rocket League" and "Uncharted IV" in the previous question.