System upload: Use cases

You can use system upload to quickly add new active members, purge members, or change member values such as their Community and email address.

Add new active members

Use system upload if you already have active members in an external system that you want to add to the application. Add the members and start inviting them to activities, instead of making them undergo recruitment again.

In the CSV file, include a memberstatus column with Active as the member value. If you have multiple communities, you must also include a Community column with values that match your community names.

  • Only use this method to add members who have already consented to joining your Community. Adding emails from people who have not consented may violate anti-spam legislation. For more information, see Alida External Sample Waiver.
  • If you choose to update memberstatus, be careful not to overwrite Unsubscribed member statuses with Active, thereby inadvertently re-subscribing members who no longer want to be part of the Community.

Purge members

If you need to purge more than 30 members at once, performing a system upload is easier than using the Purge feature.

In the CSV file, include a memberstatus column with Purged as the member value.


Change members' Community

You have a group of members in Community A who are now part of Community B, and you need to switch their Community values.

In the CSV file, include a Community column with their updated values.




Change members' emails

You need to update email addresses for multiple members.

In the CSV file, include an Email column with their updated email addresses, and a MemberId column with members' unique IDs. You can find the MemberId value by viewing member details or exporting a member group.




Add nonmembers as invitation recipients in multiple communities

You want to distribute an activity intended for nonmembers of Community.

In the CSV file, include a Community column with values that match your community names. If you plan to pipe first and last names into the invitation, include these values with the FirstName and LastName columns.
