View or manage member details

You can view profile information for individual members and edit their profile variable values.

  • Admins can perform this task. To perform this task as a Power User, you must have Can access sensitive data enabled.
  1. Open the Community app and click Community at the top of the page.
  2. In the Name column, click the member's name.

    The member profile appears and displays the following system variables for the member:

    • email
    • firstname
    • lastname
    • community
    • joindate
    • memberstatus
    • recruitmentmethod
    • recruitmentsource
    • recruitmentstatus
  3. Edit email, firstname, or lastname values.
    1. Type the new values in the appropriate fields.
    2. To undo all the changes you've made, click Reset.
    3. When you are finished, click Save Changes.
  4. Edit profile variable values for the member.
    Note: Letter casing in profile variable values cannot be updated. It is recommended to use the correct letter casing when the values are created.
    1. On the left side, click User Defined.
    2. Select new values for profile variables.
      As you make changes, the application displays the word Changed next to each updated profile variable. At the bottom of the dialog, a notification message keeps a running count of how many variables have unsaved changes.
    3. To undo all the changes you've made, click Reset.
      The updated profile variables revert to their original values. The word Changed and the running count both disappear.
    4. When you are finished, click Save Changes.