Community profile
Community profile metrics show the composition of community members across all of your key demographics, as well as which demographics are participating and under-utilized. Use community profile metrics to make strategic decisions about engaging key demographics or purging members that are not participating in activities.
To access community profile metrics, open the Community app and click
on the top of the page.
You may notice discrepancies between the counts on your screen and the counts in the CSV export. This is because the CSV file contains real-time data, whereas the data on the screen updates in the database based on your computer's time zone. Statistics are updated daily to show the data captured as of 12:00 AM UTC on the current day.
Hover over the Overall Metrics chart to view the number of members that are participating, non-participating, and under-utilized, as well the ratio between the total size of your Community and the members that are participating.
Overall Metrics
The Overall Metrics chart shows the participation levels of all the members in your Community. After you review the metrics, you can refine the charts by selecting the participation toggles located below the chart.
The following image and the corresponding table describe the information displayed in the chart.
Number | Participation value | Description | |
1 | Participants | Utilized | Members that have received the minimum number of invitations and started the minimum number of activities within the specified number of months as defined in the Participation rate calculator. |
Under-Utilized | Members that have not received the minimum number of invitations, but have started the minimum number of activities within the specified number of months as defined in the Participation rate calculator. | ||
2 | Non-Participants | Utilized | Members that have received the minimum number of invitations, but have not started the minimum number of activities within the specified number of months as defined in the Participation rate calculator. |
Under-Utilized | Members that have not received the minimum number of invitations and have not started the minimum number of activities within the specified number of months as defined in the Participation rate calculator. | ||
3 | Total | The total number of members who have agreed to join your Community. |
- Join a forum, regardless of whether they create or vote on a post.
- Start a survey, regardless of whether they complete it, are disqualified, or over quota.
Profile variables
Profile variables are displayed as demographic charts. Hover over the chart to see the number of members in each demographic that are participating in activities.
To see the number of members participating in activities for each demographic, hover over the chart.
You can quickly navigate to a specific profile variable by clicking it in the Table of Contents on the left side of the page.
You can also remove a profile variable and download the chart for a specific demographic.
Option | Description |
Remove a profile variable from the page |
Download a demographic chart as a JPG or PNG image |
For example, if you select Treat response as sensitive data in an Open End question, then all the data for that question is hidden in the community profile metrics the next time the data is synched. However, if you go back and deselect Treat response as sensitive data, then you will see the data the next day, after it is synched.
No value
- The member participated in the survey, but dropped out before seeing the question.
- The member saw the question, but chose not to answer because it was optional.
- The
answer is calculated using a Set Value action that filters out one or more
Example The value is set to Millennial if the member is female and between the ages of 30-35. Members who are male and between the ages of 30-35 will have no value. For more information, see Set Value.
- The
member doesn't answer the question after you duplicate, edit, and redistribute
a survey.
Examples Add questions to a duplicate recruitment survey:- You create and distribute a recruitment survey.
- The following year,
you duplicate the survey, add more questions, and then redistribute the survey
to your Community.
Members that didn't answer the new questions are counted as (no value).
Change the name of a question in a duplicate recruitment survey:- You create and distribute a recruitment survey that contains a question named Province.
- The following year,
you duplicate the survey, then you:
- Duplicate and hide the question named Province.
- Change the name of Province-Copy to Province_Canada, and re-distribute your survey.
Members that didn't answer Province_Canada are counted as (no value).
- Authors and Analysts cannot change the participation rate calculator settings
- Authors cannot export community profile data