Monthly activity

Monthly activity metrics show the participation level in the Community on a month-by-month basis. Use monthly activity metrics to monitor engagement by comparing the portion of the Community that was invited to participate in activities to the portion that completed activities.

With Monthly Activity, you can get answers to questions such as:
  • If I were to send out an activity today, what kind of response rate can I expect to get (based on participation levels in previous months)?
  • Is participation increasing or decreasing in my Community?
  • Am I engaging with most of my members on a monthly basis?

If you have multiple communities, the metrics show the combined monthly activity data for all communities. To view the metrics for one Community at a time, use the community variable to filter your data. For more information, see Filter community metrics.

  • This report represents member data only and does not include nonmember data.
  • Recruitment surveys and external surveys are not counted in monthly activity metrics.
  • Activities excluded from Community statistics are not counted in the metrics. For more information, see Exclude an activity from community statistics.

To access monthly activity metrics, open the Community app and click Metrics > Monthly Activity on the top of the page.

As you hover over the data points in the metrics, the dialog updates to show:
  • The number of active Members in your Community for that month.
  • The portion and the number of members who were Invited, Not Invited, Participated, and Did Not Participate in activities for that month.
  • The portion of Invited members who participated this month for the current month.
Tip: You can hide a trend line in the report by clicking the line name at the right side of the page. To show the trend line, click the name again.
Tip: In the top left of the page, beside the Updated section, the timestamp shows the date and time the statistics were updated in the database based on your computer's time zone. Statistics are updated daily to show the data captured as of 12:00 AM UTC on the current day.

Community size

At the right side of the page, the Community Size value shows the total number of Active members currently in the Community.

Time range

By default, Monthly Activity shows the current size of your Community, plus trends from the previous six months. Use the time range selector to change the period and see the total number of members gained, lost and the net change over the selected time period (3, 6, 12, or 18 months).

To set the time range, click the selector to expand the list, and select a time period.

To create a custom time range:

  1. Click the time range selector, and select Custom.
  2. In the Set Custom Time Range dialog that appears:
    1. Set the start Month and Year.
    2. Set the end Month and Year.
  3. Click Apply.

Activity by month

Hover over the data points in the metrics to view participation levels for the specific month.

Number Value Portion of members (%) Number of members (x = Total)
1 Month/Year The specific month you are hovering over in the chart.
2 Members The number of members who were active at any point within the month regardless of whether they unsubscribed or were purged.
3 Invited

Total Invited divided by the number of active members.

The number of members who were invited to participate in at least one activity within a specific month, calculated against the number of Active members in that month.
4 Participated

Total Participated divided by the number of active members.

The number of members who were invited to an activity within a specific month and:
  • Started a survey and were recorded as Complete, Disqualified, or Over Quota.
    Note: The Participated value increases in the month the participant is invited to the survey, not the month the participant started the survey.

    If a participant is invited to the survey in January but participated in March, their Participated value will increase in the month of January.

  • Joined a forum regardless of whether they created or voted on a post.
Note: Participation is defined differently in the Participation rate calculator. The Utilized Participants count defines participants as members who have been recorded as Started, Complete, Disqualified, or Over Quota in an activity. For more information, see Participation rate calculator.
5 Not Invited

Total Not Invited divided by the number of active members.

The number of members who were not asked to participate in any activity within the month.
6 Did Not Participate

Total Did Not Participate divided by the number of active members.

The number of members that were invited to participate in at least one activity, but did not participate in any activities they were invited to. This includes members who did not start an activity at all, and members that dropped off midway through the activity.
7 Invited members participated

Total Participated divided by total Invited.

Note: Percentages are rounded to the nearest percent.